Page 72 of Babies at Coconuts

Chapter 51

Alex arranged a breakfast get-together at the Crystal City Diner. After the mountain of monumental, life-changing events in their lives, she texted her friends the night before saying they needed to change up their routine.

For once, she arrived first. Suzy and Hope strolled in together and scooted around a cushioned corner booth. After ordering coffee, Alex grabbed the first cup the server placed on the table and downed half of it.

“What a night. I’m exhausted.” Alex glugged her java as Suzy and Hope added cream and sugar to theirs.

“I had a heck of an evening too.” Suzy blew on her hot coffee.

Grinning, Hope said, “I slept like a baby.”

“Haha. If only babies slept all night. I was up for hours with Fernando, Jon, and baby Violet. In fact, I cooked breakfast for them earlier.”

“Babies and zero sleep. Not interested.” Alex took another swallow, stared inside her cup, and screeched, “Oh, my God.”

Alarmed, Suzy reached across the table. “What is it?”

Hope stiffened. “Don’t tell me there’s a bug.”

“Worse.” Alex held her coffee cup sideways. “There’s a ring around the inside of the cup as dark as Hope’s eyebrows.”

Hope leaned over to examine the contents and wrinkled her nose. “Uh-oh. Looks like someone else drank out of that before you—”

“I know.” Alex scrubbed her lips with her napkin. “I think I might be sick.” She waved the server over as Suzy stifled a giggle.

“It couldn’t have happened to a worse person.” Suzy and Hope exchanged amused glances.

A waitress appeared and plucked a pencil from behind her ear. “Ready to order?”

“No, we are not ready.” Alex pointed toward the vile coffee cup. “Someone else drank out of this. It’s dirty. Probably some old man or woman who had the plague, drooled, or worse, had a cold sore. If I get sick—”

“I’m sorry. I’ll get you a fresh cup right away.” The waitress scampered off.

“I’m going to the restroom to wash my lips.” Alex continued to wipe them with her dry napkin. “There’s no telling what kind of dreadful disease I’ll get.”

Suzy bit her lip to keep from laughing. “You’ll probably just build up your immune system from all of that anti-bacterial gel you use.”

“Suzy’s right. Imagine the germs I get at school. Kids constantly sneeze and cough on me. Don’t worry.” Hope covered her mouth in an obvious attempt to hide her smile. “But go wash your mouth out if it makes you feel better.”

“Whatever. Laugh all you want. It’s gross.” Alex scurried to the bathroom, splashed water inside her mouth, gargled a few times, and added soap to a paper towel. She cleaned her lips three times, got another paper towel for the door handle, and returned to her friends who were already on their second cup of coffee and staring at menus.

“Why does this always happen to me?” Alex asked.

Suzy shrugged. “Likely because you have OCD. With everything that’s gone on, I probably wouldn’t have noticed.”

Alex rolled her eyes. “Surely, a ring inside a coffee mug would bother you two.”

“I wouldn’t like it but I also wouldn’t go ballistic.”

“I didn’t go ballistic,” Alex said.

Hope shrugged and rubbed her belly. “It’s over. I’m starving. Let’s order.”

Alex inspected the new cup the server had plunked on the table, wiping the area twice where her mouth goes. Satisfied, she picked up a menu. “If I weren’t starving, I’d leave. I’m disgusted.”

“Try to put it out of your mind.” Suzy flipped the menu over. “The food smells delicious. I think I’ll order multi-grain pancakes and crispy bacon.”

Pointing to the number 3 option on the menu, Hope said, “Eggs, hash browns, and sausage for me.” Her face fell. “I shouldn’t but I’d also love biscuits and gravy.”