Page 117 of Choose the Bears

Her panting breaths were what brought me back to the room, part chuckle, part disbelief, it took on a different cast now. A pleasure snatched from the jaws of death and destruction, but that hungry beast, just like Asher’s, would only be held off for so long. It came for us all, and I wondered how much time we’d have. Not for long, though, because our impudent little mate’s eyes found mine.

She was feeling really good right now, flush with pleasure, but that wasn’t enough. Her previous life felt like it had suppressed something in her that would no longer be denied. Imogen wanted to grab happiness with both hands, and that brought me forward.

Well, look at you,I said, because I was helpless to do anything else but.

Revenge, death, they were all shoved aside as I studied her face. Too red lips, swollen and begging to be kissed, eyes half-closed but glittering in the darkness beckoned me further. Soft kisses, slow ones at first, ones she shared with me, then Lucas. He made a strangled sound as his baculum was forced to re-sheath itself, and something in me wanted to mop up the mess they’d made, carefully tending to her sensitive folds. The other stared down as I turned Imogen to face me, taking in every inch of her, flushed and red and so wet now, before I pushed forward.

Yes!Her cry was a call to arms, forcing me forward, to thrust inside the most perfect velvety heat, my fangs locking down lest I rut her into the bed.Yes.Her hands went to my hair, stroking the slope of my nose, my cheeks.Yes, that, Kyle.


I had ideas, so many ideas that came from long, lonely nights, then fevered ones when we found Imogen. Ones where I was the hero, ploughing her over and over as she experienced a string of mind-blowing orgasms that she’d never recover from.

But that wasn’t what she needed.

Her hands stilled and so did I, our gazes locking tight as I began to move again, not in response to some idealised dream I had about my sexual performance, but her. Every thrust was in response to her reaction, my pace set by her, and that’s when we found our rhythm. It wasn’t me fucking her, or her doing the same to me, but instead the act became a manifestation of us. Over and over with every stroke, we reaffirmed this bond, until her eyelids threatened to flutter closed.

No, no…They flicked back open, wide and staring.Stay with me, Imogen.

Stay where and to do what? My conscious mind wanted the answer, but my body, my heart knew. Together, locked tight and bound together not via chains of obligation, habit, or fear, but with love. Over and over, that’s what I pumped into her, how much I loved her.

One little nod from Imogen was all it took to undo me. All thoughts of legendary lovemaking fled in the face of her. What she needed, that’s all I’d ever be, and that’s what I became right now.

If she loved me locking down inside her the most, then that’s what I’d do. If she loved the hard feel of my baculum pushing through her softness, then she’d have that feeling over and over. I’d rise, ready to serve her, and even if I couldn’t, the others would. They moved now, stroking her, kissing her, pressing their lips to her neck, her mouth, her nipples.

Her body moved like the sea, rising and falling in response to the tides we stirred, but I was a ship slicing through them, ready to anchor. The shape of her mouth as she let out a yelp, then the lazy smile that followed afterwards, I’d remember that. I would bring out the memory and treasure it over and over until the moment I died. That and the look of shock on her face as she rolled her eyes my way and stared straight into me. I came then, locking inside her as our souls did the same, unable to hold a single thing back.

All for you, I told her in a whisper.Everything for you.

She rose up, testing the bond between us, to wrap her arms around my neck, and I collected her up, just burying my face in her neck to suck in the syrupy sweetness of her scent. Then I rocked her back and forth, just to feel her move against me, each movement dragging another helpless spurt of come out of me as her cunt milked me dry.

Lucas’ groan made sense to me now because it felt like my heart was being dragged out of my chest when my baculum released and snapped right back into place, ready to serve her again.

But now wasn’t my time.

“How’re we feeling?” Asher’s voice cut through the thick atmosphere of Lucas’ room, seeming too loud, too intrusive. “You’ve taken a lot today. Perhaps it's time to rest?”

“I’ve been waiting my whole life for this moment.” Imogen was slurring her words just a little, as if drunk on us. “Don’t you go and try and take this from me now being all gentlemanly and shit. I didn’t ask for that, Asher. I didn’t dream of a man in a tuxedo who owned a Fortune 500 company coming and pulling me from obscurity. I dreamed of a beast…” She stared at him intently, and that was the first time I’d ever seen anyone match his intense gaze. “A bear. Are you the bear for me?”

Imogen was so damn perfect, because if cool, calculated Asher was trying to hold back, that was smashed the moment she appealed to his beast. Claws appeared on the ends of his fingers as he dragged her under him, his muscles shifting, his bones flexing as fur prickled across his skin.

“Always…” the beast growled, and that had Lucas and I shifting. “Always and forever, so you need to be sure about this.”

“Sure enough to wear your bite mark on my neck for the rest of my life?”

Imogen was as bold as brass, and Luc and I glanced at each other, wondering if she knew what she was messing with. We were about to find out. He shoved himself inside her to the sound of her cry and then went to work showing her the error of her ways.

“Look at you, taking Asher’s cock.” Imogen’s eyes flicked up to meet mine, and I saw the haze of lust and just a little fear there. “You’re doing so well.” My words, my hand sliding down to thumb the mark on her neck, had the fear fading away, the lust rising harder in its place. “Getting everything you ever wanted.”

Because that’s what lurked inside her. A hunger that no man had been able to satisfy before. Perhaps because they were justhuman, whereas we…? I rose up and kissed her lips as Lucas moved.

Fingers to her nipple, lips on the other, his tugs following Asher’s punishing rhythm, we were dragging her along at a galloping pace. But she was meeting us stroke for stroke. Her hand gripped my hair, not letting me pull back for a second as her hips snapped. Smashing into Asher’s, it had him panting, growling, half gone to fur. With the beast riding him, he knew before she did the moment when she hung on the edge of pleasure, teetering, ready to jump off, but not yet. He grabbed her, eradicating any reticence and leapt out into a sea of pleasure that threatened to drown us all. His back cracked, the beast ready to claw its way out, but Asher held him back. Right now she needed only one part of the beast and that was his baculum.

She was so, so sensitive, her poor G-spot battered into submission by everything that had happened today, but she had one more orgasm left in her. Dragged from the depths of her soul, it set her whole body aflame and we warmed our hands on that heat, riding the waves until she fell quiet.

There were no more open eyes or soul stares or whatever. Imogen collapsed onto the bed, cradled in Asher’s arms, but while she fought to catch her breath, I saw a terrible expression in my sleuth mate’s eyes. I wasn’t there when he killed Ursula’s attacker, but I think I knew the madness that lurked there.

So what do we do?I asked him, because since the moment he was fostered in our home, I looked to my big brother for direction. He was worldly, hard, and scarred when I was just a dumb kid, and sometimes I felt like I’d never really grown past that.