One after the other, delving inside me, harder, deeper, until I clawed at their backs for more. Then they’d unleash that bony protrusion, giving me exactly what I really needed. Those tiny little strokes that made me feel more than any man had before. My eyes stared into Asher’s, watching the way the pupil expanded in response to what he saw, but it was Kyle’s arms that went around me.
That’s what you want?I could almost feel his words feathering across my skin.Well, I won’t make the same mistake twice. Looks like it's time to step up, geek boy.
I was turned to face Lucas, who scowled at Kyle over my shoulder.
Whatever retort Lucas was about to make was choked off as Kyle pulled my shirt up and over my head. Lucas’ fingers flexed, wanting to touch me, but not daring to until he looked into my eyes, seeing past them and into my soul.
He knew what I wanted, and that filled him with a flush of pleasure. More than that, because he knew he could provide it. The books were a crapshoot. He’d worked so hard, scouring reviews and blog posts about each one, trying to guess if I’d like it, but he didn’t have to guess now. He could see straight into my heart and that allowed him to peel my pants down, then pull me hard against him. Some movements, a zipper being pushed down and then…
He was right where I needed him to be.
Part of him shied away from the fact it hurt just a little to take him, but the rush of pleasure that came afterwards seemed to reassure him.
It forces me to feel you inside me, I told him, stroking his hair back from his face as I began to move.It creates an ache that just gets worse.
I never want you to hurt, ever, he told me with a little growl.
Not even when it feels so good?I rose up, focussing on the suck of my body against his, as if my cunt was reluctant to let him go, testing that bond, before I was forced back down again.Not even when it feels so right?
Up and down with greater and greater emphasis, I moved, until our hips were slamming into each other. Lucas couldn’tallow me to take control for long, rolling us forward so his body loomed over me.
Like this?he asked, stabbing forward, my breath was driven out of me and I was glad then of the mental link. I’d never be able to utter a thing, my breath coming in too fast as my legs locked around his hips.
Exactly like this.
There was something hopeless, reverent in my tone, as I surrendered. To the sensation, to the feel of him dragging my pleasure out further and further until the entire world was narrowed down to just him and me.
Yes, Lucas, yes…I sobbed, whispering that over and over. My nails clawed at his back, leaving mating marks of my own, until things came rushing to a head. I thought I’d had sex before, but what happened now was so different as to need a new name. His eyes went wide, staring into mine as he felt my pleasure and I felt his, the two strands twining together to become something far greater.
Now, I whispered inside his mind.Give it to me. All of it.
His mouth closed over his bite mark as his baculum jutted out and locked down inside me.
Chapter 60
So that’s what it felt like.
The first time I was told about our unique physiology, I’d thought it was all some horrible joke. We were raised to treasure the women and girls in our community, and yet when we were with the one we’d always put first, we were supposed to…
There was a violence to it, a brutality that never sat right with me, until I felt a pleasure so damn perfect it brought tears to my eyes.
That’s what we did each time we locked down inside Imogen. We did that. I couldn’t help but puff out my chest with pride, right as my eyes pricked with tears.
We do.I turned at the sound of Asher’s voice.We do, and we will today. Each one of us needs to claim Imogen in every way, have her feeling blissful because…
He showed me then what he knew, sharing the news that the foxes had passed on.
I didn’t want to know, the darkness that came with it feeling like it tainted the space, and Asher nodded as my unconscious push back. That was his job. He took on all the shit, lurking inthe shadows so the rest of us could walk in the sun. But that wasn’t fair. My mind grabbed at his, even though everything in me wanted to pull away, sucking up every detail of what he’d discovered, what he’d been told, but most of all, what he intended to do.
You never intended on mating her?
That thought was like a drop of poison in a sea of pleasure.
I don’t want her joined to me, not when…I knew the feel, the smell of his bear, and it was the polar bear’s fetid breath I felt in my face as he shouldered forward. Asher agreed to stay here because he knew what the outcome would be if he’d driven up to Coober Pedy. Phil would’ve been dragged out to some abandoned opal mine, torn the shreds so small only the dingoes would be able to retrieve each piece as they gnawed his bones clean, scattering the evidence of what my sleuth mate had done to the winds.Not when I’d be forced to kill the man that threatens her.