“That sounds like a good plan,” I say. “They forget we exist, and no more dragons are hurt.”
“And we don’t have to hurt them,” Dempsey adds. “It doesn’t hurt, does it, Xanthis?”
“Oh, it hurts terribly.” She laughs. “They deserve that though, do they not?” She points at Alrick and Viggo. “Judging by the condition of the brothers, I think they’re due a little pain.”
“I have no problem with that,” Viggo says. “Alrick?”
He nods. “Yeah, I’m fine with it.”
I rub my forehead. “There’s only one loose end.” Everyone’s attention turns to me. “Judre’s family is seeking revenge. I’m honestly surprised they haven’t found them yet.”
“Judre?” Alrick asks.
“He was my friend. He was slain the same night I found you. He warned us of the trouble coming our way.”
Alrick and Viggo exchange confused looks for a second, then Viggo blows out a breath.
“Well, that makes a lot more sense now.”
“It does,” Alrick agrees, turning his gaze to me. “It wasn’t us who attacked your friend. Four guys showed up at our compound a few hours before everything went down. They told us we had dragons in the area, and of course, my dad joined them.”
“We went to the east and they went west,” Viggo explains. “We didn’t find anything, so we’d turned around to head back when one of the men called our dad and told us they’d found them.”
“We got to the compound in the middle of a full-blown battle,” Alrick continues. “I watched as one of the men impaled the dragon with his sword. I froze. I was torn between allegiance and what I knew was right.”
“In the melee, the dragon got its claws into Alrick,” Viggo says, the sadness in his voice evident. “I wanted to help, I tried, but there was so much chaos and violence and before I knew it, you were gone.” There’s a pleading look in his eyes as he speaks directly to his brother. “You must have wandered into the woods in your injured state.”
“I tried to tell the dragon I wouldn’t hurt it, but it was so angry. Understandably,” Alrick says. There’s a haunted look in my mate’s eyes as he speaks. Aware of the searing pain the memories conjure within him, my dragon pushes to the surface to comfort him. “I don’t remember much other than pain. I think I must have been trying to go for help, or maybe just trying to find somewhere peaceful to die, I’m not sure.” His gaze turns distant for a second before he looks at me. “But you found me.”
“I did.”
Alrick cups my face, leaning in to kiss me hard, until Lake clears his throat.
“Adorbs, truly, but what do we do about Judre’s family?”
I open my mouth to speak, but before I can, there’s a loud pounding at my front door. My brothers are immediately on guard, but Xanthis raises her hand and calmly walks towards the door.
“Rest, friends. Speak o’ the devil and he appears, yeah?”
“Which devil?” Dempsey mutters. “We have a few.”
We follow her to the door, and when she opens it, it’s none other than Judre’s brothers.
“Lord,” the eldest, Menlich, speaks. “You’re surrounded by hunters.”
“We know. Please come in.”
Xanthis rubs her hands together. “Well, isn’t this convenient? Now I don’t have to go find you.”
Menlich gazes at the naked mage, one eyebrow raised in silent questioning.
“I think another spot of tea is fitting,” Xanthis says. “But I’ll make it this time.” She approaches Alrick and plucks a strand of his hair.
“Ouch,” he says, rubbing the spot.
Xanthis merely smiles. “Come, Dahlia.”
Dahlia doesn’t even hesitate, following the mage to my kitchen.