“What in the brimstone is happening?” Menlich asks.
“Long story,” I mutter. “We’ll explain.”
We lead the three brothers back to my sitting room. Alrick clings to me as nervous energy flows through him, but my dragon is on high alert, willing to burn down my own home to protect our mate.
The lingering scent of my mate tickles my nose as it clings to Menlich’s younger brother, Kenthe. It’s weeks old, so faint that it would be undetectable if it weren’t for how attuned I am toit.Ocean breeze and wildflowers. My dragon growls, and the connection becomes clear. He attacked my mate.
I move forward, about to tear him apart, but Alrick steps in front of me, running his hands up and down my arms as scales pop out.
“I deserved it,” Alrick whispers. “He didn’t know any better. You would’ve done the same for your family.”
Huffing a puff of smoke, I nod as my dragon stands down. Alrick is right. I would have done the same.
Before we can get into an awkward conversation, our attention shifts to the bright light shooting down the hallway and the sparks that follow it. Xanthis appears, carrying a teapot with Dahlia behind her. Dahlia’s holding a tray with three teacups, but you’d have to be a fool to miss how pink and swollen her lips are. She sets the tray down and smiles shyly at me.
Xanthis fills the three mugs and offers them to our guests.
“I don’t want any tea,” Menlich says.
“I’m afraid it’s not optional,” Xanthis says, reaching forward and touching her index finger to Menlich’s temple.
He sways and shivers while the two other brothers look on with wide eyes.
“It’s for your benefit,” the mage says. “I offer comfort. Please.” She gestures to the tray.
The three brothers each take a mug, sniffing at the liquid first.
“She would never harm you,” I say softly to ease their concerns. “Xanthis is a trusted friend.”
With a curt nod, Menlich drinks his first, slamming it back like it’s a shot. His brothers follow, and a few seconds later, a black cloud rises from their bodies, filling the air with the foul scent of sulfur and death.
“Incredible,” Montrose whispers. “You’ve summoned the underworld.”
Xanthis shakes her head. “No. I’ve released the sadness, bitterness, and hate from their hearts so they can heal without further bloodshed.” She reaches out and holds Menlich’s hand in hers, opening her mouth and inhaling some of the odd smoke coming off him.
His eyes roll to the back of his head, and the three brothers appear to be in a daze. Xanthis closes her eyes, her lips moving with words that are meaningless to me, but when she opens her eyes again, her shoulders relax.
“In a moment they’ll snap out of it,” she says. “They’ve already killed Judre’s attackers. They’ll forget your mate’s family even exists. They’ll believe they stopped by for a spot of tea, and when they wake up, they’ll go home, happy and at peace.”
“That’s amazing,” Viggo says.
Dahlia is staring at Xanthis with awe all over her face.
Xanthis tilts each brother back and they lie on my couch, their eyes rolled back, completely checked out. The mage looks up at me and smiles.
“Now, let’s handle our troublesome friends, shall we?”
My head is still spinningfrom what Xanthis just did right before my eyes. If she can heal Viggo and erase memories, maybe there’s hope my dad and Digby will just fade into the distance.
Viggo catches up with me, gripping my arm. “Are you actually handling all this magic shit like it’s nothing or are you tripping inside too?”
“Not tripping, but pretty astounded.” I chuckle.
“Yeah.” He laughs along with me.
“I have to tell you something, Vig.” I don’t want any more secrets from Viggo if I can help it. If we’d been honest with each other sooner, maybe we could have left together. We could have saved ourselves a lot of pain.