“Come on, baby, all together now.”
“I’m having trouble resisting you!” I yell, hoping that will please him enough to get him inside of me.
“That’s a good girl,” he moans and then his body shudders. I gasp as I feel his warm cum squirt against my clit, drenching me and dripping between me. My pussy twitches and tightens, desperately wanting more, and I cry out in frustration.
Cape leans over me, holding his face above mine but keeping his dick just out of reach of my body. “Now you know better than to tease me.”
Chapter Fifty-Two
Julian sighs when Cape knocks me to the workout room floor.
“You don’t have to be so rough,” he says and puts a hand out for me.
I wave him off, not wanting to put anymore strain on his body. He’s working himself to death in here with Cape. There’s no way that a real doctor would sign off on what he’s doing. I’ve watched him do everything from push ups to pull ups to weights and the treadmill.
And when I say watched, I meanwatched. Which is part of the reason I’ve been knocked down. I was in a daze watching Julian pull himself up effortless on the bar, the back of his shirt drenched with sweat. It takes everything in me not to ask him to take it off. I don’t know why he doesn’t. Cape took his shirt off the second we walked in. And it’s not like Julian isn’t just as nicely defined.
“You think someones going to go easy on her?” Cape asks, bending over and picking me up, and I let him. He’s not the one with a hole in his side.
“I’m pretty sure no one in her life has ever gone easy on her.”
I still with Cape’s arm around me. Julian says it so adeptly, like he knows and yet he can’t possibly know just how true his words are. I bite my lip and dip my head, my natural instinct when I think of the shit I’ve been through.
Cape growls, “Why do you do that?” his question is aimed at meand tinged with annoyance.
“Do what?” I avoid his gaze, feeling embarrassed for what I’ve let happen to me.
“Eat it.”
I shake my head, confused,eat what?
I look up at him and he dips his head to hold my eyes, tossing a bit of my hair behind my shoulder and his face softens. The graze of his hand against my shoulder is gentle, comforting, despite the way both of them are looking at me, with pity.
“You swallow all that pain. You eat it like you did it to yourself.”
Of course I eat it. What else am I supposed to do with it? I can’t erase the injustice my dad spewed at his only child, even if he is dead now. I can’t forget what it feels like to be backhanded by Kyle. And I can’t forget trying to keep my head down in school, trying not to draw the attention of another teacher that could control me. I have to swallow it all.
“Yeah.” I narrow my eyes at Cape. “It’s mine to eat.”
“No.” He shakes his head like I’m being dense and grabs my hand, pulling me with him to the bench press and sitting down. He places me on his lap, my arm pressed up against his damp chest.
“It’s notyoursto eat. You never did anything wrong. You didn’t ask for anything that’s happened to you. All that istheirs,the people who hurt you, to eat, to swallow, to poison their bodies and rot them from the inside out.”
I try to pull away. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about. It’s as much a part of me as it is a part of them.
He keeps his grip on me and grabs my chin to look at him.
“But it happened to me,” I try to tell him while his eyes try to tell me otherwise.
“Yes. It happenedtoyou. So taste it, roll it around on your tongue, feel the texture, the flavor, the bitter burn. You can taste it all you want,because it was forced into your mouth but don’t you dare swallow it. Spit it out.”
“He’s right,” Julian says, stepping in front of us. “You’re drinking poison that isn’t yours and it’s going to kill you.”
I falter. Kill me? Iwantedto die that night on the bridge. That was my choice, my decision, my escape. But… The way they are both looking at me, was that the poison killing me? Was it really not my own choice?
“That piece of shit out front of your house?” Julian grabs my hand. “I should have killed him but I didn’t want to scare you. He’s one of the ones that deserves the poison.”
“The teacher?” Cape asks.