Page 132 of Vicious Sentiments

Maybe if I had told him to stop when he was arched over my dad, he would have. But I don’t think I wanted him to stop.

I let that sink in as I watch the white foam of the waves ebb and flow up the shore.


I turn slowly at the low and raspy whisper, wondering if I’m hearing things. I blink against the light of the house but can’t see into the shadows it creates.


The voice sends shivers into my muscles and I suddenly feel just how cold it is as I squint into the darkness.

A lump suddenly appears, hobbling towards me, and my heart thumps quickly as I realize how stupid I am. The Tortellis are going to get me and I’m not Margo. I’m not a bad ass.

“I fucked up so bad.” The person sobs as they come into the moonlight.

I sag in relief. “Dillon?”

He rubs his arms, shaking profusely as snot dribbles from his nose. If it’s possible, he somehow looks worse.

I make to stand, but he falls onto his knees in front of me.

“They are going to kill me.” He grabs at the sand and cries.

I inch backwards. Has he been out here hiding this whole time?

“Hailey. I’ve been trying to tell you. They kill people and now they are going to kill me. And Margo doesn’t love me. I thought she loved me but she doesn’t.”

“No one is going to kill you.” I put a hand out to soothe him but then think better of it. He may be having a breakdown but I’ve seen what he’s like when he’s angry. “They just want to help you.”

By having him committed, I think, but don’t say that. And really, I don’t think Margo would allow it.

“No, they don’t.” He sniffles. “They’ve been waiting for me to mess up and now I did. And god—” He pounds the sand, and I notice his knuckles are bleeding and bruised. “Marney can’t be left with them.”

“They aren’t—”

“Listen!” He snaps his head up and his eyes are wild. “After they kill me, you have to take Marney and run. You see it don’t you?” he whines and squirms.

“Dillon, they aren’t going to kill you.” I peer over his shoulder, hoping either Cape or Julian are starting to look for me.

“Yes! Yes, they are!” He swerves his head into my line of sight and spittle flies at my face. I shimmy a couple more inches away from him.

“How do you not see it? Margo can’t even get away from them. You have to get outnow.”He takes a deep breath, sniffling and nods to himself. “And take my sister with you. She likes you.”

He starts shivering again and throws his forehead into the sand. My god, he’s losing it.

“Dillon.” I risk a hand on his shoulder. “Dillon, listen to me. You made a mistake but no one is mad at you. They know you are just worried about Marney. And she’s going to wake up, and you’ll feel better, and everything will be okay.”

He goes still beneath my hand, and I think maybe I got through tohim. Until he starts to laugh. The sound makes my stomach twist and I pull my hand back.

“You are sostupid,” he seethes, straightening. Gone are the tears and in their place are tight features. The moon makes his red face a shade of purple and his bared teeth have a sinister glow.

“How can you be so stupid?!” He grabs his hair and squeezes his eyes shut. “Is it because you’re a child? A stupid fucking child?” He rips at his hair and his eyes pop open. “Or are you so blinded by their dicks?”

I cringe at his choice of words.

“Is that it?! You like the way they fuck you?”
