I sigh and run a hand across my jaw.
“So what is this? How did you find out? What has he said? Oh my god, does Mom know you know? Does he?”
“Um, yeah. So it was kind of a fluke. Did one of the stupid ancestry kits. You know how dad is always bragging about how he’s English and Scottish.”
“God, yeah, he’s an idiot.”
“Yeah, well, I didn’t have any of that. Actually I’m mostly Russian and Spanish.”
“Holy shit.”
“Didn’t think much of it, but then I got an itch so I got a DNA test, secretly, and found out we’re not a match. Mom knows. He knows somehow. And I have a bio dad who I haven’t met yet.”
“Holy shit. That’s crazy, Mitch. Do Max and Matt know?”
I let out a shaky breath. “Haven’t told them.”
“You need to tell them.”
“Maybe. I just…I don’t want them to hate me even more.”
Magnus is quiet for a moment. “And what about me?”
“You’re a safe space. You already hate me.”
Magnus sighs loudly, and I close my eyes, my mind swirling unpredictably.
“Maybe years ago I did. What you said was horrible and mean. How you treated me growing up was downright bullying. But space has given me some clarity and Max and Matt’s paths back to me have helped me open back up. If you’re open tochange, I can accept that.” He pauses and inhales deeply. “I could accept you.”
I feel my throat start to sting, and I swallow. “I won’t change. I am who I am.”
I can’t change now, not really. It almost seems impossible.
“I know, but look, you’re talking to me again. We’retalking, Mitch. That’s a nice step forward.”
I let out a small snort and he does as well.
“But you should tell Max and Matt. I can’t believe this. I really can’t. Mom kept this secret all these years. Who would have thought?”
Could I tell them? I guess that I treated Magnus the worst. And he’s still speaking to me. So perhaps this will all be okay. I just don’t know. I can’t fucking think too hard about it or I start to crack and bleed.
“Has she tried to explain?”
“No. She showed up at work, but I don’t feel like talking right now. I have her number blocked. I really don’t want to hear it. And as soon as dad found out, he abandoned me. He sold the company to someone else and hasn’t called me or anything.”
Magnus gasps. “But that company was supposed to be yours.”
“Yeah, but I’m not his, so I guess it’s not mine.”
Magnus grumbles under his breath and then exhales loudly. “Well, he’s an asshole. Always was. I don’t know if you deserved better, but I’m going to go with my gut and say you’ve been beaten down enough. Karma and all that. And now I can really feel sorry for you.”
My lips curl up at the corners, his brazen words making my chest constrict slightly. “Sounds fair.”
“It is fair.” His voice lowers and I can hear the softness in him. “I’m sorry about this, Mitch. It’s really shitty and not right.And I’m here for you, if you need to talk about it more. I can be a very good listener.”