Itry not to think of him, how his hand felt in mine, the way I wanted to kiss him again.
Makes me all sorts of confused, I don’t even know how to speak about it, so I cancel therapy the following day because I don’t have the words. Fucking Gideon, making me feel things.
But then after work, he messages me, a simple note inviting me to an art show tonight, and I start to feel the dull, lifeless colors change around me, rust to honey, warm and sweet.
I should say no, but I don’t. I type out a message, telling him I can meet him there before flopping onto my sofa and staring at my phone. Everything is confusing, a mess of emotions.
I’m flailing.
I don’t know what I want.
My phone chimes and I peer at it, expecting it to be Gideon, but it’s not. It’s Magnus.
So I’m bored. Tell me about your life. What have I missed?
Didn’t think you’d care to know.
Like I said, bored.
I snort at that. It’s well deserved. He doesn’t need a valid reason to ask. He can do and say whatever he wants with the way I treated him in the past.
I was a bully, an asshole. Hating myself for what I wanted and then projecting it onto him.
Or at least that’s what my psychologist said.
Just been busy with work and working out.
Still a gym bro?
Yep. Met someone there you’d really like.
I fiddle with my phone and tap it on my chest. I shouldn’t. I really shouldn’t, but I’m feeling chaotic, a swirl of red and black.
Also found out that our dad isn’t my bio dad.
I wait. And wait, the bomb already having been dropped, the seconds ticking like a death knell. For a moment, I consider deleting the comment, but I don’t. I can’t. He’s probably already seen.
Suddenly, the phone rings, Magnus’s name flashing across the screen.
I don’t want to answer, don’t want to talk. So I ignore it. But he was always a persistent fucker and he calls back three times until I finally pick up.
“Honestly, you asshole. Don’t drop that and then not answer.”