CJ had told me from day one he didn't want anything serious. What if that was still true? And it wasn't just him I was worried about. If the feeling was reciprocated, what then? Coming out was a huge gamble when we hadn't known each other that long. But if I didn't take that chance, I could potentially lose him to a guy like Nate. That thought sat bitter on my tongue.
Footsteps thumped on the other side of the door, and my stomach dipped. It was dark inside, and the glare of the late afternoon sun made it impossible to see who was about to open the door. At the sound of the lock flipping open, my heart pounded.
Then the door swung open, and CJ stood there, a grin in place. "Miss me already?"
A soft chuckle fell from my lips as I relaxed just at the sight of him. "Can I come in?"
When CJ glanced over his shoulder, that told me his twin was around somewhere, but he stepped back and waved me inside. "Caleb and Christa are upstairs, so if you plan on fucking me, you'll have to wait."
The idea of fucking him just anywhere almost derailed my thoughts entirely. But that wasn't why I was here, so I told my cock to behave itself, not an easy task when it came to CJ.
I cleared my throat as I shoved my hands in my pockets. "Actually, I wanted to talk to you about something."
CJ arched a brow as he leaned against the wide window. "That doesn't sound foreboding or anything. What's up?"
"You didn't answer my texts." I figured getting that answer was a priority before I made a fool of myself.
CJ scowled. "I knocked it into the sink when I was shaving, so it's sitting in a bag of rice. But I'm not sure it can be saved."
I let loose a long breath. "So, you weren't avoiding me?"
His eyebrows scrunched together. "Why would I be avoiding you?"
"I thought maybe you were regretting or questioning the weekend." I shrugged. Admitting that insecurity alone had to make him realize that I had, in fact, missed him like he'd asked.
CJ shook his head while watching me with curious eyes. He bit his lip, scanning me head to toe. "Not even a little bit, Cupid."
His answer brought a smile to my lips, lifting some of the weight on my shoulders. It also made my fucking dick twitch, once again making me force my body to behave. "Good to know."
"That's why you're here?" He tilted his head, studying me.
"Partly," I admitted as I gathered the courage to say what had been on my mind all day.
CJ crossed his arms over his chest. "Okay, well, what's the other part?"
Was I really going to do this? Put myself out there to possibly be rejected? Yes. I had to.
"I had an appointment with Nate today," I started, and CJ immediately stiffened. "He asked if you'd be interested in giving it another go. I told him—"
CJ straightened and glared. "You have got to be joking. You show up here after fucking me for two days straight and try to set me up on another date with a guy I didn't want to see in the first place?"
My eyes widened, but at least I had my answer on where he stood as far as Nate was concerned. "If you'd let me finish, that isn't what I was going to say at all."
CJ relaxed, shoulders dropping slightly. "Then what about him?"
"I told him I'd talk to you about it… But the truth is this. I don't want you to go on another date with him." It was now or never. I spoke in one rapid burst before I lost my nerve. "I don't want you to go out withanyoneelse. Because for reasons I admit I don't fully understand, I want you to myself. I'm a selfish bastard, and I know you probably aren't interested in more. You said—"
"Don't tell me what I'm interested in, Roman," he interrupted. "What do you mean you want me to yourself? And please be clear, because whatever you say next, you can't take back."
I closed my eyes tight, determination settling in my bones. When I opened them, I was met with frosty eyes full of questions. "I mean, I don't want to share you, CJ. The way I see it, you're mine, and I'm yours. If that's what you want." He stared at me in silence, and anxiety rippled through me as the seconds ticked by with no reply. I pushed away the worry gripping my gut as best I could. "CJ? Can you say something?" I prompted.
He shook his head slowly. "Sorry, I'm just…trying to understand. Are you saying you want to date or something?"
That hadn't been the response I'd been hoping for, but I understood why he appeared confused. I hadn't really given him any indication that it had been more than sex before now. "Maybe? I don't want to just fuck around anymore. I'd like to see where this goes…" I hesitated to say more, needing some sort of answer first, whether it was what I wanted to hear or not.
His lips twisted to the side as he considered me. "In secret?"
That was the question, wasn't it? Coming out as a gay man when it had never been something on my radar before I met CJ was a huge deal. I hadn't known him that long, but everything fit perfectly into place when he was near. "Is that what you'd want?"