Me:I haven't been able to stop thinking about you. About us. If there even is an us.
Again, I reread the text and sighed before erasing it and trying once more.
Me:What are you doing when you get back?
I stared at the message wanting to say so much more. I hit send before I could start overthinking again. There was no need to jump right into a serious conversation that would probably be best to have face to face.
He didn't respond in the ten minutes I waited, staring at the screen. Finally, I set my phone on the desk and turned back to my computer. I still had a new client's information to add to my database and two more appointments before I could pack up for the day. I knew CJ was with his dad and Caleb. He'd message back when he could.
I went over the questionnaires submitted by the few gay clients in my files. As usual, most of the answers on the forms were generic, as if people were hesitant to reveal too much. That was a big part of why the shine had somewhat worn off my chosen career. But CJ's answers had piqued my interest and reminded me why I'd started along this path to begin with.
Though I tried not to, I checked my phone repeatedly for a reply. After my first appointment wrapped up and I still hadn't heard back from him, I checked my notification settings and volume, which was stupid because I was getting texts from other people, including my mother, who wanted to know when I would visit.
After my final appointment of the day and still no reply from him, I grew increasingly nervous. Was he avoiding me? And why? Was he regretting the weekend? His text from earlier hadn't given me that impression, but the worry remained.
Jaz popped into my office, her thin coat on and spike-studded purse over her shoulder. "I'm heading out. Do you need anything before I go?"
I shook my head and gave her an exhausted smile. "Go ahead."
Her expression grew soft, as if she understood what I was going through. Maybe she did. "Just message him, Roman. Find out what's going on. You look like shit."
I barked a tired laugh. "I already did."
She adjusted her purse strap. "And? What did he say?"
"Nothing." I shrugged. "He didn't respond."
My sister frowned. "And you told him you were into him?"
"By text?" I cocked a brow. "I figured we should talk face to face." When she nodded thoughtfully, I could see she was forming more questions. "I just asked what he was doing tonight. Figured I could suggest we meet up and then talk."
"No, I agree." She frowned. "It's just weird because I know he's home. His dad dropped them both off hours ago."
It was my turn to be confused. Why wasn't he responding then? "You think he's ignoring me?"
Jazmine shrugged. "Did you give him a reason to?"
Not that I could recall, unless it was because I didn't respond to his text earlier. "I don't think so."
She appeared suspicious as she studied me like a bug under a microscope. Apparently deciding I was telling the truth, she shrugged. "Well, if I were you, I'd go next door and find out."
With those parting words, she left in a metaphorical cloud of Gothic pixie dust.
As I heard the jingle of her keys as she locked the front door, I tried to figure out what I'd even say to CJ. Should I just blurt out the truth? That I liked him for more than just fucking around? If he didn't feel the same, there was a good chance this thing between us would quickly burn to a pile of ash. But it was eating at me, not knowing what he was thinking and wondering if he was avoiding me.
Before I could talk myself out of it, I switched off my computer, grabbed my phone and keys, and headed for the door.
I stopped long enough to put on my light jacket, then headed out onto the early evening sunlit porch, locking the door behind me.
And then I went next door and knocked.
Nervous energy vibratedthrough every cell in my body, and I held my breath as I waited for CJ to answer the door. There were so many things I needed to say to him, and I needed to do it before I lost my nerve.
Even though his Jeep was parked outside and my sister had seen CJ's dad drop them off earlier, that didn't guarantee he was home. There was also a huge chance he didn't feel the same way about me as I did him.