Jazmine was definitely buying my coffee.
* * *
DiscussingAutumn's growing relationship with Todd had been exactly what I'd needed. It wouldn't be long before they both stopped making appointments. Another success story was almost ready to join my collage of pictures.
But this time, I just didn't have the mental energy I normally would to gloat about my victory and rag Jazmine about losing, which she had.
As soon as my bubbly client left, I'd placed my elbows on my desk and sank my fingers back in my hair. The distraction had only been temporary. Now I was right back where I started. Focused on CJ.
"Jaz," I called out and leaned back in my chair.
The sound of her combat boots clomping across the floor met my ears before she popped in, a cocksure smile in place. "You buying?"
"Afraid not, little sister." I forced a chuckle.
Her eyes flared wide. "No way. Todd went for it, huh?"
"I'm not sure why you even doubt me anymore." As well as I could read others, it seemed I didn't hold the same ability when it came to my own mind. A yawn slipped through my lips, the hours of lost sleep catching up with me. "Who do I have next?"
Her grin split wide. "Nate. Are we betting on how things are going with CJ?"
I stilled, every thought and emotion freezing at once. How the fuck had I forgotten Nate was on my schedule today?
"Uh, Ro?" Jazmine stepped further into my office, stopping when she reached my desk. "There a problem with those two?"
I was fucking one of them. Did that count?
Or, how about that I'd sabotaged their date. Or would have if CJ had still been with Nate. But I hadn't known that at the time.
If I had to meet with the guy, I needed a minute to clear my head and think through the impending conversation. I cleared my throat. "No, it's fine, but I think I'll go grab the coffee. If he gets here before—"
Her eyes widened in surprise. "I know how to do my job, big brother. But you're willingly going to get coffee. Did I win a bet I forgot about?"
I scoffed as I pushed out of my chair, grabbing my wallet and phone from the drawer. "You wish. I just need to stretch my legs."
Lie. I needed to prepare myself to deal with the man CJ had gone on a date with. Possessiveness washed over me, much like it had the night I'd thought they were together. Whether or not I had the right to feel that way was yet to be determined.
Jaz stepped back as I passed by and then followed me to the front door like the nosy annoying sister she was. "Roman—
"Jaz, just stop. Okay?" I gave her a look that meant drop it. "I'm good."
Letting out an exasperated sigh, she waved me off. "Fine. Just hurry back. Because—"
"Nate. Got it." The response had more bite to it than I'd intended, and Jazmine frowned. "Sorry, Jaz. Maybe I just need some fresh air. I'll be right back."
It was warm outside, so I left without my coat and stepped out onto the front porch. Mr. Bradley's SUV was no longer parked along the curb, but the Jeep was still there. When I glanced through his window, no one was in sight, and I felt conflicted when I didn't spot CJ. On the one hand, Iwantedto see him but didn't know what to do with that information. On the other hand, I had no idea how he felt about me and what we'd done.
The sounds coming from the main road promised to ease my swirling thoughts, so I headed down the steps and along the sidewalk at a quick clip.
The sun was out, and I welcomed the rays on my face. I breathed in a deep lungful of the warm air scented with various foods coming from the small number of restaurants in the shopping center.
The coffee shop came into view, and I headed for the door. When I pushed it open, I found the space buzzing with energy. The tables and beanbag chairs were occupied as Mrs. Walden scurried around behind the counter, filling cups and stuffing pastries into paper bags.
I joined the line and settled in to wait with the five people ahead of me. My phone buzzed in my pocket, and I dug it free, stilling when the preview popped up.
CJ:Caleb thinks you're gay.
I glanced over my shoulder and scanned the space around me as if someone might have read the text. My knee-jerk reaction bothered me because I'd never really cared what people thought, or maybe I did, and that's why I always aimed to please.