Page 55 of Clueless Romeo

I was never going to get any work done if I couldn't focus on something other than CJ, and my first appointment of the day was in less than fifteen minutes. I owed Autumn my full attention, but CJ was taking up all of the real estate in my head.

Sighing, I considered canceling all of my appointments and taking the day off—something I'd never done.

My wires were all crossed, leaving me distracted and unsure of my next move with CJ. What we'd done, or rather how I'd felt afterward, and waking up with him wrapped around me, hadn't been casual. Not for me anyway. What was I supposed to do with that realization? I wondered if he was in a similar boat or if it had meant nothing to him except getting his cherry popped. And now, my mind was back on how indescribable it had felt with him beneath me.

For fuck's sake. I needed time to sort through my conflicted thoughts because while I obviously accepted that I was physically attracted to CJ—it was the intensity behind the craving that I needed to understand. The subtle flutter in my belly when he was near allowed him to crawl under my skin in such a short amount of time. I wanted to text him, but I wasn't sure what I should say, after only two days of having him in my bed taking him slow and hard. There had been moments where I'd simply watched him sleep, curled up against my side. Those stolen moments, without him being aware my eyes were on him, afforded me the opportunity of picturing every night with him in my bed. How insane that idea was after such a short time.

Hell, I wasn't sure where to start combing through the questions, or the worry about where he stood on things between us.

Maybe someone else's personal life was the distraction I needed since I suddenly found mine in unexpected chaos.

The sound of my office door closing interrupted my musings, and I jerked my head toward the doorway.

"Okay, what is your deal?" Jazmine whispered. I was sure she scrutinized my unkempt appearance with her piercing green eyes narrowed at me. My hair was a mess from running my fingers through the strands all morning, and when I'd looked in the mirror after showering, the skin beneath my eyes had been shadowed. CJ and I hadn't exactly slept much over the weekend.

Leaning back in my chair, I adopted a neutral expression and cocked a brow. "What do you mean, my deal?"

Jazmine was driving me nuts as she chewed her gum, smacking those purple lips that matched her hair. My sister folded her arms over her chest. "You've been acting weird from the second you stepped foot downstairs. And I came to tell you Autumn was here"—she poked her thumb toward the door—"and found you staring at your computer like a zombie. So, I repeat, what is your deal this morning?"

I forced a cocky grin I didn't feel. "Late night."

Jazmine made an inaudible gagging noise, so my client wouldn't overhear. "Okay, I didn't need to know that."

I chuckled. "You asked what was going on, and rather rudely too. Now you know."

"Whatever. Should I send her in, or do you need a minute?" With a grimace in place, her gaze shot to my hair.

Reaching up, I smoothed it back into place as best as possible. "I'm fine, Jaz. Go ahead and send Autumn in."

A doubtful expression crossed her face before she sighed and shook her head. "Fine. But just so you know, I don't believe a late night is the whole story. You look like shit."

"And you look like a perfect little goth fairy," I replied instead of acknowledging that she wasn't wrong. I just couldn't make myself care what I looked like, which was odd enough on its own.

Jaz rolled her eyes, quickly morphing with mischief. "Okay, down to serious business then. What's the bet on our happy couple today?"

My lips curled up on one side. Nothing like a little bet with your sibling to set your world right again. "Sex or no sex?" I suggested. "I think they did."

She scoffed. "Oh, you're on. They definitely did not make it to the bedroom yet."

I shook my head. "Wrong. If Todd didn't put the moves on Autumn yet, he never will."

Jaz shrugged. "I'm still willing to take that bet."

"Don't you ever get tired of being short on cash from buying all my coffee?" I smirked, earning a death glare in return.

"I hate you so much."

"You know you love me." I winked.

Rolling her eyes, my sister turned to leave, then paused with her hand on the door. She glanced back over her shoulder. "You know you can talk to me, right? You're my brother, so I'm here to listen if something's bothering you."

Jaz rarely showed how big her heart truly was, so I blew out a long breath and sobered. "I know, Jaz. I'm fine, though. Nothing to worry about."

She shook her head as if disappointed in me and pulled open the door, sticking her head out. "Come on back, Autumn. He's ready for you."

Rising to my feet, I flashed a wide grin to my auburn-haired client, who appeared to have an extra pep in her step. Her flower-patterned skirt and curly hair bounced in time as she entered my office.

"Good morning, Roman." Her berry-colored lips split into a contented smile.