Instead of immediately responding, I clicked on the form and quickly scanned the full page of questions. Caleb was still going on about Christa, and Archer continued to be immersed in the conversation, giving me a chance to appease my curiosity. I read each word carefully.
List an example of your ideal date:
Favorite and least liked food:
Things you absolutely will not do:
Qualities you are attracted to:
The questions continued like an interview. And then there was a giant section about generic stuff like my description, job, income, and location.
As I read, I found myself mentally filling in the answers. Each one was more invasive and revealing.
"CJ," Archer's voice cut through my thoughts, and I quickly put away my phone and looked up.
Three sets of eyes were trained on me. Archer's curious gaze, Caleb's cocky one that said he'd proved something was going on with me, and the waitress who grinned patiently while holding a plate of stuffed French toast. Shit. I was taking up my section of the table and jerked back, giving her room to place my food.
How long had she been standing there?
"Sorry," I muttered.
She waved me off. "No need to apologize. I'll be back to check on you guys soon."
With one last grin, she turned and faced a different table.
Archer and Caleb were still staring at me, and I groaned. "Can we just eat instead of interrogating me for the imagined problem you both think I have?"
Neither seemed convinced, so I said, "I have a lot going on with the shop, not that Caleb would know."
Archer frowned and looked at Caleb. "Are you not helping?"
It was my turn to smirk at my twin as Archer began questioning him over his lack of help. Caleb shot me a glare, and I didn't bother to hold back a laugh. Served him right. But in the back of my mind, I was still thinking of the text Roman had sent and what would follow once I returned it, filled in with more info than I cared to share this early in our…relationship? It was definitely not the right word, but it sent my imagination reeling, picturing the date with a certain off-limits matchmaker.
My appetite waned as the anxiety induced by my impending date kicked in, but I'd deal with it later. I missed my best friend and wanted to spend time with him while I could.
After dipping my fork into the strawberry filling topped with powdered sugar goodness and shoving it in my mouth, I considered how to flip their attention to something other than me. I swallowed and settled on something I knew Archer would eagerly accept. "So, tell us more about your book."
My best friend beamed ear-to-ear. "It's about dragons and wolves, shifters who unknowingly claimed the same land millennia apart because the fire breathers had been trapped in a deep cave until the wolves accidentally set them free."
Knowing Archer had an oddly twisted yet incredibly creative mind when it came to his stories, I was a hundred percent positive war and blood were ingrained in the story in spades.
"Who wins?" I asked and took a sip of scalding coffee that burned my tongue.
Archer shrugged. "No idea."
I chuckled. Archer didn't plan out his books, and somehow, he came out with thought-provoking stories anyway. Caleb picked up the questions, for once being helpful because, though I did my best to stay involved, the truth was I couldn't shake the corner of my mind where Roman had quickly taken up residence. I needed to figure out a way to evict him. And fast, before I did something stupid.
Like becoming infatuated with a straight guy.
Hopefully, it wasn't already too late.