Page 23 of Clueless Romeo

"How's the book coming?" I asked, making Archer's eyes light up.

He beamed, a bright smile stretching his cheeks. "Almost finished, actually. Phoenix has been busy writing a song for Courting Echoes because Drake apparently has some kind of issues again. So I've had a lot of time to focus on my book."

"Yeah? And how's Phoenix's song coming along?" I asked.

Archer's expression shifted as he frowned. "Good, I think. He's having a hard time getting into the headspace because it's a moody song filled with drama. But that's what they wanted, so Phoenix is making it work."

"That's good to hear. I'm happy for you both." I looked up as a waitress approached with two steaming mugs.

"Here you go." She smiled, then placed them on the table. "Do you three know what you'd like, or do you need extra time?"

Since we always ordered the same thing, I quickly placed my order. As she spoke to Archer and Caleb, I studied her. She was attractive, and yet I felt nothing. Not a single damn thing. Instead, uninvited thoughts of Roman entered my head. Naked, or how I'd imagine he'd look spread out on display for me, hard cock—

For fuck's sake. I groaned under my breath and rubbed my eyes. I really had to get a handle on my errant musings because I had no business thinking of him at all, especially inthatway. I shook the mental images free.

"Hello, earth to CJ." Caleb snapped his fingers in front of my face, startling me.

"You're right," Archer said, but he'd been talking to Caleb when I looked at him. "He is definitely acting weird." He turned to face me, inquisitive gaze searching my face. "What's going on with you?"

Like hell was I admitting my brain had been betraying me ever since I'd met my new neighbor. Hoping I appeared confused, I furrowed my brow. "How am I acting weird?"

"I don't know." Archer studied me closely before shrugging. "Just different."

I wondered what it was he saw. Sure, I was distracted, but noticeable enough to be pointed out by both of them? That wasn't good. Maybe Roman would see the same thing.

"Told you," Caleb gloated with a know-it-all grin.

I glared. "Shut up."

Before I could really lay into him, the waitress returned to trade Archer's empty coffee cup with a fresh one. "Your food will be out soon."

As she walked away, my phone buzzed in my pocket, and I pulled it free, swiping the screen. Surprise shot through me when a text from Roman sat waiting for me. We had exchanged numbers after I'd lost the bet, but I hadn't expected him to use it so quickly.

I itched like crazy to check what it said, but the timing couldn't have been worse with the two nosy ones sitting with me at the table. I was about to ignore it—or try my best anyway—when Caleb swung the topic to Christa as usual. He was so lovesick it was stupid. But Archer seemed truly invested in the conversation.

Taking the opportunity, I clicked the notification.

Roman:Can you stop by today and fill out the questionnaire?

I was expecting shipments of merchandise today. I had so much to do if I was going to be ready to open by the deadline. And it wasn't like I could count on Caleb's help. Not to mention, I was in zero rush to go on whatever date he set up.

I tapped on the screen.

Me:Today's not good. My schedule is insane. Can you send them to me or wait until tomorrow?

I expected him to say we could take care of it tomorrow, but when the next text lit up again, it arrived with an attached form. Crap.

Roman:Here you go. Just get it back to me soon. No skipping out on the bet.

A winking emoji followed, and I hid the scowl that wanted to break free in case Caleb or Archer looked my way and wanted to know what was going on. I wasn't a fan of lying, and my tongue was already burning to blurt my secret. Rip off the Band-Aid. At least to Archer. He could maybe help, but Caleb…who knew what Caleb would do or say.

Me:Not planning to, but it's one date. I'm not agreeing to more.

Roman responded quickly.

Roman:I'm aware.

I could almost hear the husky chuckle that followed. That only amused one of us. I still couldn't believe I'd been scammed by the lying jerk.The sexy as sin lying jerk.