Page 1 of Clueless Romeo



The velvety feelof the top-shelf vodka lingered on my tongue as I drained my second shot in one large gulp. The heat that slowly bloomed in my stomach became the growing distraction I desperately needed from my surroundings.

Slamming the shot glass down on the table, I wiped the back of my hand across my mouth and shot Archer a grin as I tipped my chin toward his untouched drink. "Bottoms up, birthday boy."

Bringing Archer, my best friend, to a gay strip club had been a bad idea. Or at least I thought it was as I sat watching the floor from the second-level VIP section. The lower level was swarming with scantily clad men as they worked their bodies to the heavy bass flowing from the speakers spread throughout the building. The smell of sweat and various scented body oils hung in the air, and the sheer curtains that sectioned off each table and booth were only an illusion of privacy.

While I regretted agreeing to the plan, my identical twin appeared damn pleased with himself for coming up with the suggestion. Caleb's frost-blue eyes twinkled under a fringe of onyx-colored hair, and a roguish grin tipped his lips. He slouched next to me in a slate-colored club chair positioned close to the balcony's rail while Archer sat across from us, blinking his owl-like brown eyes as he took it all in. He appeared uncomfortable as shit as he scanned the joint. His gaze intentionally skipped over the entertainers.

My not so helpful twin had been the mastermind behind this celebration. I was simply along for the ride, not that I would tell Archer that. He'd likely use the voting system, two against one, and we'd be back at the dorm he and I shared while he gorged himself on cookies and cream ice cream cake as usual.

Archer groaned in exasperation at the shot, shaking his head and sending his deep auburn curls flopping around. "Fine."

He tossed back the clear liquid, then coughed, pounding his chest while shooting both Caleb and me not-so-menacing glares.

It was becoming increasingly more difficult for me to remain unaffected by the club's atmosphere, or at least to appear that way when the very embodiment of the thoughts that I often wrestled with in my brain were walking around mostly nude. Though I'd never acted on the urges, I was curious about guys. More than curious, actually. But neither my best friend nor my brother had any clue. And I had absolutely no intention of telling either one of them.

I was an athlete, which came with certain situations, like the locker room, where being into men could get awkward. Besides, I wasn't completely sure if what I was experiencing was thenormalhormone-induced upheaval or if I was truly bisexual. Did every guy on the down-low feel this way but never admit it? I wasn't sure.

Shaking off the musings, I forced a laugh as Caleb slow-clapped while reaching for Archer's glass again. "Another one?"

Archer scowled. "Absolutely not. I need to get some water."

As he went to stand, I pushed my chair back and rose to my feet. "Sit your ass down and enjoy the view. I'm on it."

"Thank you." He settled back into his seat, glancing over the rail down to the main floor. I followed his gaze to a dancer dressed in fireman bunker gear, well, at least most of the uniform. The jacket was missing, but the suspenders held the bottoms in place and he still wore the helmet as he moved to music that had sirens blaring in the background. Archer appeared focused on the show, but I knew better. He was biding his time until we would get the hell out of here. Definitely a bad call on the birthday plans.

I looked away with an inward sigh and tried to block out the dancers as I crossed the room to track down our waiter. Bare-chested and wearing only tiny black spandex shorts—if the material barely covering the swell of his ass could be called that—he carried a tray toward a group of men in business suits clustered around a back-corner booth.

Standing far enough away to afford them a little privacy, I waited until our waiter placed all the glasses and a bottle of vodka on their table. On his way back, his gaze caught mine. Smile on his face, he strode toward me, stopping a few short feet away.

I averted my gaze from his slick chest and cleared my throat. "Can we get a few bottles of water?"

Humor colored his tone when he responded as if he knew I was avoiding looking directly at him. "Sure, I have some at the bar. Be right back."

Rubbing my eyes, I forced myself to stare at the dark carpeted floor that lit up with multiple colors flashing from the lights overhead. Caleb was now on my shit list for putting me in this position, even if he wasn't aware of my internal battle.

When the waiter returned, he handed me three bottles, and I gathered them in my arms. "Thanks."

"My pleasure." He tilted his head. "Let me know if you need anything else. Otherwise, I'll be over to check on you in just a bit."

I offered a brief smile before turning away and carrying the drinks back to the table. "Here."

After passing one to Archer and another to Caleb, I dropped back into my chair and leaned forward, craning my neck to scope out the lower level. We were here for Archer, and I wanted to make sure he had a good time—or as good as possible. Tonight wasn't about me, so I pushed my discomfort aside. "Find anything interesting down there?"

"Not really," my best friend replied with a shrug.

I believed him. While Archer was definitely gay, he rarely showed interest in men. That was one of the reasons Caleb had insisted this was the perfect way to celebrate. My twin was convinced that a night out with half-dressed guys would be the answer to Archer's prayers. I could guarantee Archer had never muttered a single wish to any higher power about his love life. In four words, Archer simply didn't care.

Still, he hadn't outright asked to leave even though we'd made a deal that we'd bounce when he chose to end the night. I glanced around the packed lower level. "We just have to find you the right guy. What about him?"

Archer's brows furrowed as he followed the direction where I was pointing. "Who?"

I squinted, scanning over the guy I'd noticed. "Red hair, brighter than yours. Tall. Pale, maybe? It's hard to tell with the lighting."

Archer immediately shook his head. "Pass."