Caleb was quietly drowning himself in liquor and scooted toward the rail, joining the search.
He slurred, "Oh, what about that guy, Arch? Look closer to the stage. Latin, I think. Dark hair. More muscles than the Hulk."
The guy was massive, easily three times the size of Archer, who only stood five-nine with a slender build. Both Caleb and I were at least a head taller and played on our college basketball team.
Archer whipped his head around, frowning at Caleb. "Hard pass."
"So picky," Caleb muttered.
"Not everyone is like you and willing to nail anything that moves, bro." I rolled my eyes, but my playboy twin only grinned.
I glanced back at Archer to find him shaking his head as he scanned the room again. "You guys, this is pointless. You're not going to find anyone…" His mouth snapped shut, eyes narrowed in focus.
I looked back over the rail, trying to spot what, or rather who had caught his attention. His stare seemed to be glued on a dancer that had just entered the room. The tall guy was covered in tattoos and appeared to be a serious fan of jewelry. I glanced back at my best friend. He was still staring at the stripper, and I eyed Archer intently. He suddenly jerked his gaze away, brown eyes colliding with mine. His cheeks bloomed bright red, visible under the changing lights when he realized he'd been caught ogling the stripper. Forgetting my own issues, I was unable to stop the amused twitch of my lips. "You were saying?"
His swallow was audible, even over the noise of the crowd and music booming from the speakers. As he spoke, his voice cracked. "We can go now."
"So soon?" Caleb smirked, having apparently noticed Archer's reaction to the dancer. "Here I was discovering you had a thing for tattoos, Arch. No judgment. If I was gay, I'd definitely do him. Nice choice," Caleb said, approval heavy in his tone.
It was official. My twin was an idiot, and he had a big mouth.
"I just need to go to the bathroom first." Archer was rarely flustered, but between his flushed cheeks, jerky nod, and shaking body, his change in demeanor was as obvious as a train wreck.
Caleb leaned toward my ear and whispered, "We should totally see if we can get Archer a private dance with him."
Before I could respond, Archer pushed up to his feet so fast he nearly tripped before catching himself on the back of the chair. "Be right back."
I nodded as he turned on his heels and headed toward a hallway just off the back of the room. As I lost sight of him, I glanced back at Caleb, voicing my concern. "Are you sure that's a good idea?"
He snorted. "When do I ever have bad ideas?"
I gave him an incredulous look. "Always?"
"You ever see Archer respond that way to someone?" Caleb cocked a brow.
He had a point. I reluctantly conceded.
"Okay, let's do it then." I stood again.
Mission Give Archer a Boner for his Birthday—a title I definitelyhadn't come up with—was underway.
Spoiler alert: Archer got that private dance from Phoenix, fell in love with him, and is now engaged to the former stripper turned songwriter. I'd never give credit to my douchebag twin for bringing them together, but I would admit that I was happy for my best friend.
If I was being completely honest with myself, I was a little envious of Archer's comfort and ability to just be himself. One day I hoped I could be myself too.
"So,I take it the date went well?" I leaned back in my cushioned office chair as I spoke to the woman seated in front of my desk.
Miss Autumn Meyers, a proper southern woman, nodded enthusiastically. "Oh, yes. Turns out he really loves spicy food. That was a good idea."
Of course it was. Even though every client filled out an intake form before our first meeting, I'd also browsed his social media to gather more intel. People often forgot to disclose interests that would help me find their perfect partner, so it had become normal practice—a tried and true method I used for my clients time and time again.
Folding my hands over my stomach, I flashed her a knowing grin. "And afterward?"
Her cheeks flushed at my question, and she patted her short, tightly curled chestnut brown locks. "Well, he's a gentleman, like you promised. Even though I'd hoped for more, we parted ways after a sweet kiss."