Page 20 of Sweetest Hate

Sure enough, there was a pile of linens in a crumpled heap. I slid between the sheets and flopped on my side, facing the wall. It wasn't the first time we'd shared a bed, but this was the first time I didn't deem the need to over-analyze the situation. Honestly, my blood was still boiling over the conversation with Arsen.

"You okay?" Quinn asked and softly kicked my leg.

I wasn't, but what was I going to say? I couldn't be honest about what Arsen and I had done. Quinn would feel betrayed, and I would have to admit I'd made a stupid decision in hooking up with the biggest asshole in Georgia. "I'm fine, just a long day."

He yawned again. "I hear that. Get some sleep. It's going to be hot as hell, and I'm already going to have a bitch of a hangover."

That was easy for him to say. He hadn't been in a tug of war with his own feelings and thoughts all night. So, after he'd fallen back asleep, I stared at the wall, mentally berating myself for letting Arsen affect me to the point of a sleepless night.

* * *

The sun beamed unforgivingearly morning rays through the huge windows as I crossed the den. Harsh sounds of a busy kitchen with clanking silverware on dishes and sleepy chatter greeted me as I blinked my bleary eyes and dragged myself toward the noise. The scent of coffee and bacon sizzling hung in the air and my stomach grumbled.

"Kellan." My name caught my attention, and I glanced toward the source. Shawn sat next to his girl at the table, waving me over. "Where's Quinn?"

"Still asleep." Taking a bowl from the stack on the counter then carrying it to the table, I slid onto a padded barstool that, like everything else in the house, was made of raw wood. Seated across from Shawn, I grabbed the cereal and milk from the center of the oversized butcher block style table. "What's going on today?"

"Everyone is talking about taking the boat and Jet Skis out, but I think me and Sophie are just going to watch a movie or something. Yesterday took it out of her, and she needs to rest." He gave her a concerned look.

Sophie rolled her eyes. "I'm not breakable, just a little tired."

I nodded and dipped my spoon into the cereal, shoveling a giant bite in my mouth.

A big body slid onto a barstool across the table next to Shawn, and I glared as Arsen stared me down. His eyes were slightly red, and I wondered if he'd struggled as much as I had to get to sleep. Probably not. His demonic ass probably slept like a baby after feeding off my anger.

Before I could give it any more thought, the girl I'd seen him kiss, or almost kiss, the night before scooted onto the chair next to him. She yawned and rested her head against his bicep. "I'm so sleepy."

His eyes softened as he looked down at her with a slight frown. "I thought you went to sleep early."

She grinned up at him, familiarity sparking in her eyes. "Someone kept me up longer than I'd expected." She wiggled her brows.

He'd seriously hooked up with her after I'd left? And he'd tried to sell me on nothing being between them. I snorted under my breath, and Arsen snapped up, eyes narrowed. "Problem?"

"Nah." I shrugged and turned toward the redhead who was already eyeing me back, a slight smile playing on her lips. "Piper, right?"

She perked up, straightening, and held her hand across the table. I met her as we shook. "Yes, and you are?"

Dropping her hand, I picked up my spoon. "Kellan."

"Kellan," she repeated. "Nice to have a name to go with the face."

What was she talking about? I simply smiled before shoving another bite in my mouth.

"So, how do you know Quinn?" she asked, and I wondered why she'd singled me out to interrogate.

After I finished chewing, I replied, "Best friends and neighbors our whole lives."

Nodding, she grabbed the cereal and dumped a handful into her palm. As she picked at it, eating the flakes like a snack, she seemed to study me until I shifted uncomfortably under her scrutiny. "So, last night… Have you met Blake?"

"Piper," Arsen warned, and I cast them each a confused look. "I do not want to hear this shit."

Piper spared Arsen a quick glance and refocused on me when she continued, "I'm not sure Arsen wants to know what his two best friends were up to last night."

Why was she watching me like that? And then it registered what she was trying to say. She hadn't been with Arsen. She'd been with Blake. But why was Piper so concerned with making sure I was aware of who she'd spent the night with?

I turned to face Shawn, returning to our previous conversation. "When is everyone heading out?"

"To do what?" Arsen asked, and I whipped around to face him.