Page 19 of Sweetest Hate

Kellan scoffed. "Yeah, well, I told you that was a mistake. More than I'd realized."

I clenched my jaw at that word again. Mistake. "Then maybe you could kindly get the fuck out of my room."

Folding his arms over his chest, he didn't seem in a hurry to leave. "Why did you make that comment to Quinn about bringing the snacks? Are you purposely a jerk, or does it come so naturally to you that you can't help yourself?"

I'd said it to piss both of them off. Though petty bullshit wasn't my usual style, the situation was quickly bringing out the worst in me. I was fully aware I was an ass at the best of times. "I guess it comes naturally, little mouse."

"Stop calling me that." He glanced at the bed. "Especially since you kissed that girl right after swallowing my come. I'm shocked she's not already here with you. Or maybe it was the guy you were all cozy with by the fire."

I could understand why he'd be suspicious about Piper, considering I'd actively made it look like something was going on, but he was reaching with the whole Blake thing. He probably just wanting one more thing to hate me for. It was tempting to let him stew, but I couldn't let Piper or Blake pay for the twisted way I enjoyed his anger. I wanted that for myself. "Piper and Blake are just my friends."

"Blake, maybe. Piper..." He tilted his head, and voice thick with sarcasm said, "You always shove your tongue down your friends' throats?"

"No, apparently just smart-mouthedmistakes. You see me actually kiss her?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"Close enough." Kellan's nostrils flared.

I studied him closely, taking note of the vee that formed between his eyebrows and the pinch of his lips. "That seems to bother you."

He scoffed. "Not even the slightest."

Folding my arms over my chest, matching his stance, I leaned against the wall. "So then, why are you still here?"

Kellan glared. "Go fuck yourself, Arsen."

"I may have to. You being pissed is getting my dick hard." I wasn't lying. My cock was hard as hell.Twisted, like I said.

I could see the struggle in his eyes before he caved and glanced down at the semi bulging in my boxer briefs. "Something is seriously wrong with you."

When he glanced back up, I shrugged one shoulder. "Not my fault my dick has a mind of its own. Trust me, the last thing I'd fuck is you."

His blue eyes narrowed. "Likewise. Enjoy your hand."

"Enjoy my stepbrother." I forced nonchalance into my tone, that I didn't feel at all, at the unwanted image of the two of them wrapped up in each other in bed.

"Screw you, Arsen. It's not like that. Quinn is my best friend and only that. He's not even into guys," he argued.

"Okay." I wasn't blind, but he didn't see the situation from an outsider's perspective. Quinn watched Kellan the same way I watched Kellan. Either Kellan was completely oblivious to it or was flat-out lying. I'd had enough of this bullshit conversation and pushed off the wall. "Well, night."

Without another word, he stormed out, and I slammed the door closed. Once I crawled back under my sheets, I couldn't sleep. I kept wondering if Quinn was finally going to make his move and how Kellan might respond. I groaned and rubbed my eyes. The whole situation was stupid, unexpected, unwanted, and completely fucked up.



Quinn's doorwas directly across from Arsen's, and I stood there trying to calm my racing pulse from the confrontation with him. Never in my life had I met someone that infuriated me to the point of a borderline heart attack. My body was fueled with adrenaline that didn't want to calm down.

Giving up, I turned the knob and found the door unlocked. When I let myself inside, I breathed a sigh of relief to find Quinn alone in bed. Quinn hooking up with girls was the last thing I cared about at the moment because all of my thoughts were focused on his jerk stepbrother, but I didn't want to be left without a place to crash either. Staring at the lumpy form of my passed-out friend, I considered lying on the bed. Wrinkling my nose, I decided against it since he likely hadn't changed the sheets.

The recliner in the corner matched the one in Arsen's room and looked comfortable enough to sleep on. After setting my things on the floor by the door, I made quick work of slipping off my shirt and shucking my shorts. Quinn's snores faltered, and I glanced toward him. He peered through cracked eyelids. "What are you doing?"

"Sorry, I was trying not to wake you," I whispered and quietly stepped toward the recliner. I grabbed the thick wool blanket that was tossed over the back and scooted onto the cloth seat. Leaning back, I tried to get comfortable, but all of the wiggling in the world wasn't helping.

"Don't be an idiot," Quinn mumbled, startling me when I thought he'd fallen back asleep. "I changed the sheets. You're safe."

I sighed as I pushed out of the chair and moved to the opposite side of the bed. "You better not be lying."

"Swear I'm not. Look in the corner." He yawned.