Page 10 of Bayou Sunset

Entering the bar, Romeo slowly scanned the space, left to right. It certainly hadn't changed much. Peanuts were still on the ground, and there was a fabulous view over the water.

“Bonsoir, cher!” JP shouted from behind the bar.

Smiling, Romeo walked forward to shake his friend's hand. He looked around for Pierre and saw him sitting at the end of the bar.

“Bonsoir. I hear congratulations be in order,” Romeo told JP as they shook hands. “I heard youdeuxbought this pub.”

“It coulda been datroisof us,” Pierre grumpily said from a barstool.

Romeo moved to a seat beside his old best friend. “Now, I know better than dat, Pierre. Yadeuxalways had plans to buy dis place so ya could get a drink anytime ya wanted.”

“And ya always had plans to leave dis place,” Pierre spat out.

So, it was like that.“Ya knew I wanted to be FBI,mon ami.”

Pierre leisurely took a sip from the tall, frosty beer glass before him. Meanwhile, Romeo caught the attention of JP, who was tending the bar, as he motioned for a drink for himself.

“So,” Romeo said once he sipped the homebrew, “what's been happening?”

“Beaucoup,” Pierre said curtly.

Romeo wanted to smack Pierre and his snappishness. “Do we need to go a few rounds and work dis out, Pierre? Ya know I can still take ya.”

“Maybe we should,” Pierre responded.

JP turned to his brother. “Mon frère, git over it. Steve left, but he be here now. Let's take him ta help tomorrow.”

Pierre shook his head. “Non. No fucking way,cher.”

Intrigued, Romeo asked casually, “Take me where? I be bored. I can go.”

“Maisnon,” Pierre repeated vehemently.

Romeo turned to Pierre. “As yourfrerèsaid, get da fuck over it. I be here now. Can't we make da best of it?”

“You be leaving ’gain.” Pierre drank and slammed down his empty glass.

“Mais oui. I have a job in Maryland.”

“Dat’s it,” Pierre said, pulling back his shoulders and thrusting his thumb to point to the door. “Outside.”

Great. Romeo hadn’t found himself in a raucous bar brawl since Grits dragged them into trouble down in Mexico. Reflecting on the adrenaline-fueled and perilous altercation, Romeo couldn’t help but shake his head, hoping fervently that he wouldn’t have to repeat that chaotic night.

Romeo downed the last of his beer, the bitter taste lingering on his tongue as he pushed the empty glass away. “Let’s do it,” he declared with a grim determination, his fists clenched with a strong desire to punch Pierre in the jaw. He led the way toward the front door and into the dark, nearly empty parking lot.

As Romeo pivoted, JP threw a forceful punch that landed squarely on his jaw. Agonizing pain surged through the side of Romeo’s face.Son of a bitch.

Rubbing his jaw and acting like it hadn't hurt like a punch from a pro, Romeo said, “Is dat all ya got?”

Pierre's face reddened, and he took another swing at Romeo. This time, Romeo was prepared and easily side-stepped the punch. In return, he jabbed Pierre in the gut.

When his friend doubled over in pain, clenching his stomach, Romeo asked, “Enough?”

With a menacing growl, Pierre lunged forward, leading with his head and landing a solid blow to Romeo’s gut. The impactknocked the wind out of Romeo, sending both crashing to the ground. Reacting swiftly, Romeo pushed Pierre off him and scrambled to his feet before Pierre could regain his bearings. They eyed each other warily, circling as tension hung heavy in the air.

“What da fuck be your problem? Why can't ya act like a grown-up and get over shit?” Romeo asked.

“Ya broke her heart,” Pierre spat.