Confused at that statement, Romeo asked, “Whose heart?”
“Ya know,couyon. She loved ya, and ya ignored her, then left when she be old enough to date.”
Was he talking about Daisy Mae? Surely not. Pierre would never have approved. “Shelly and I had nothing in common. It was just Prom.”
Pierre rushed in with a gut punch, and Romeo stepped back. Pierre lost his balance and almost fell. It allowed Romeo to encircle Pierre's neck from behind.
Holding the man tight around the neck and his left arm behind his back, Romeo asked in a low voice, meant for only Pierre. “What da fuck you be ranting on about?”
“Deyzee Mè,” Pierre grunted out.
“Dude, she be ya sister. You always told me she be off-limits.”
“Well, ya shoulda asked.”
“Look, I'm not going to fight you over ya sister. She be a grown woman, and I be a grown man. If we hit it off,bien. Suppose we don't,bien. It no longer be ya concern.” Romeo released Pierre and pushed the man forward.
“Mon Dieu!” Romeo said, “Can we start over?”
Pierre hesitated, rubbing his neck before finally extending his hand. “Welcome home,mon ami.”
Unsure if it was a trick, Romeo narrowed his eyes and watched Pierre as they shook hands. “Glad to be back. Can wereturn inside and have a cold one if we be done?” Romeo dusted the dirt off his clothing from the tumble to the ground.
Instantly changed, as only Pierre could do, his friend smiled. “It be on me.” Pierre confidently guided the group back inside to where JP waited, accompanied by a small crowd of eager spectators who had gathered to witness the fight.
Romeo stood for a moment, absorbing what Pierre had said. She'd loved him. Could that have been true? Sure, she’d said as much before he left, but he figured she was trying to get him to take her with him. Besides, she’d been sixteen. What had she known about love?
It probably wouldn't have worked. Not with the life he'd led. Lots of undercover operations with the FBI and lots of missions with HIS. She'd have hated being home alone.
His mind wondered. What about now? Did she still love him? Did he love her? Then he mentally shook his head. What did it matter? He was here for his mom and dad. And right now, his dad needed him to keep an eye on the twins and Daisy Mae, and that's what he'd do.
Once they sat at the bar again, JP set three beer glasses before them. He raised his glass. “May ya live all da days of ya life.”
They raised their glasses and drank deeply.
“Mais oui,” Pierre said, “we could use ya help.”
And like that, it was like he’d never left.
Chapter Six
DAISY MAE ANXIOUSLY scanned the horizon, hoping to catch sight of her tardy brothers. The boat was ready; she had fueled herself with a gallon of strong coffee, and breakfast had been hastily consumed. Despite all her preparations, they were nowhere to be seen. Frustration crept in as she acknowledged that if they didn’t arrive within the next fifteen minutes, she would have to abandon their plans for the day. Daisy had pressing matters to attend to—repairs awaited her at the old homestead, tasks that she could no longer put off.
Daisy Mae inherited her parents' home upon their passing. It was almost one hundred years old and always needed something repaired or updated. But she loved the place and the memories.
“Bonjour!” JP said as he and Pierre approached.
Merde. She was itching to know the truth about the map from them.
Once the two men boarded, Daisy Mae couldn't wait, so she exclaimed, “Did ya steal dat map?” She wouldn't take them out if they turned out to be the missing map. Daisy Mae didn't need that kind of trouble coming down on her. She'd heard how ruthless Antoine Rousseau was. Who hadn't in this neck of the woods? Treasure hunters around the world feared him. From what Daisy Mae had heard, you never crossed the man. That is if you wanted to live.
The twins looked at each other and then at her. Their innocent personas didn’t fool her. They may not have stolen the map, but they were up to something.
“Mais non!” Pierre assured her. “We bought it.”
“We did,” JP echoed.
“Hmph.” She didn't know whether to believe them or not. Since they had no reason to lie to her, she'd have to acceptcautiously.“Stow ya gear and grab those tow lines,” she instructed as she moved to start the boat.