While not well versed on the cost of keeping a horse, he knew it to be an expense someone like him couldn’t afford. But with how down-to-earth Kate acted, he often forgot she was a multi-millionaire. She didn’t usually spoil Reagan to this extent so the little girl must’ve been a big pest. “So why the name Winglet? It’s not a usual one.”
“Reagan just comes up with these things. I never question her creativity or the originality unless I’ve prepared for a long, and I meanlong, justification.”
“I want to see Cody,” Sam said with determination.
He did too and even though security was tight, he wanted someone with the boy at all times.
“Sure. Go out the back and take a golf cart down the winding path to the left. It’s back a little to keep the smell away.”
Sam took a step in that direction.
“Oh, I know how hard it is to sleep in the hospital with either the uncomfortable chair or a nurse checking in every couple of hours. After you’ve seen Cody, go up and rest. He’ll be busy for a long time. When he’s back, I’ll watch him until you wake.”
“Wait,” Ken asked Kate but also directed the word to Sam, “who’s with them?”
“Brett, the trainer, and Rylee.”
“Is she—”
Before Ken finished, Kate anticipated his question and nodded. “She is.”
A small weight lifted from his chest that someone was close to Cody and armed.
“One more thing in case I miss you when you come back inside, Sam, while you were gone, Emily went to your place and picked up some clothes, and I grabbed a few things from your locker. It’s all in the chair in the guest room.”
With that parting speech, she walked away without a backward glance. She hadn’t asked if they’d need two rooms. The family respected their privacy.
The one thing he had to figure out was why Sam hadn’t argued to go to HQ after seeing Cody. From what he’d learned from Franks, Sam had a determined drive to go after Beverly.
He’d have to keep an eye on her and hope he did what was right by her and Cody.
Jesse met them on the path and inquired about his health. Realizing something was up, he exited the cart and told Sam to go ahead. Despite the curiosity in her eyes, it was clear she was torn between staying and going to Cody.
Going to Cody won out. As it should. He’d rather be there too, but he needed to hear what Jesse had to say. “I’m going to the house.”
Before she drove down the path, he circled the vehicle and gave her a quick kiss. “I’ll meet you in a few minutes.”
She hesitated. “Promise to tell me everything?”
“Yes.” And he would, even if he knew it might hurt her. Personally, he hated to give her bad news. Professionally, she needed to know it to do her job.
As she drove away, he watched her back in that big T-shirt. She hadn’t even wanted to stop and change out of it.
Without taking their eyes from her, Ken asked, “Whatcha got?”
“She’s back.”
Jesse hadn’t needed to identify the “she” because it’d only be the bitch on the run.
“Dev doesn’t know how she got back without triggering anything. A neighbor told AJ he’d seen her lurking in the neighborhood.”
Anger pumped fast in his veins with a cold lick of fear that she’d get to Sam somehow. “Do they have her?”
Jesse shook his head. “No. We sent Casper, Speedy, and Nemo to the area to help AJ and Jake cover it more thoroughly.”
He digested that for a moment with confusion. “Why Bravo team and not mine?”
“I almost sent yours.”