Page 85 of Evening Shadows

“So why didn’t you?” Ken asked, his brows raised.

With tight lips, Jesse offered, “Because I thought your team would want to be here when we brought her in.”

He nodded his gratitude. “Okay. Think we’re going to have any problems bringing her here?”

Jesse shook his head. “Shouldn’t, but we can’t hold her. Once she realizes that and pushes to leave, we’ll keep an eye on her, along with Sam and Cody.”

“They can’t live here forever.” They’d be living with him soon. As soon as he could get her to agree. A sigh escaped him.

“What’s wrong?” Jesse asked.

He shook his head. “I just hate Sam having to deal with a woman—her friend—who betrayed her.”

“You can’t protect her from all the hurts in the world.”

“I know. She’s quite capable of taking care of herself. Hell, she basically rescued me. I just wish I could hand her a perfect world.”

Jesse chuckled and slapped him on the back. “Spoken like a true man in love.”

He couldn’t disagree with that statement.

“On a brief sidetrack, our attorney is almost done with the paperwork on Cody. It was a good call on your part to jump on it early.”

A lump formed in his throat at the generosity of the Hamilton family. “Thanks.”

“Anything for you, Ken. We’ve been together for a long time. You’re my family too.”

Good God. His eyes misted, and he corralled his emotions.

“Are you going to marry her?”

Without hesitation, he answered, “Yes.”

Jesse reached forward and slapped him on the shoulder blade. “Let us know when the big day is.”

“Well,” he hedged, “she hasn’t actually said yes.”

Ken didn’t find it funny like his boss. Jesse threw his head back and roared with laughter.

To change the subject, Ken asked, “Kate mentioned us resting. What’s all that about?”

“Sam needs to rest and step back until we bring Beverly in. The intensity of her desire to find the woman doesn’t mix with what we need to do. We’ve learned about how that passion can screw up an op.”

He figured it was something like that. “Why not just sideline her and let me get back to it. This was my assignment to begin with.”

“Because,” Jesse said, “I think you’re the only person who will make her step back.”

He’d never shirked his duties or allowed something or someone to take precedence. The only time he’d missed an op had been when his father had died.

Already feeling like his family was in danger, he disregarded his aches and moved forward with what he had to do. He had to keep Sam and Cody safe until Beverly was in their hands.

“How do you expect me to do that? As soon as I tell her she’s out, she’ll go rogue. Anything to protect Cody.”

A corner of Jesse’s lips twitched. “I’m sure you’ll think of something.”

He flipped Jesse the bird and strode off.

At the corral, Cody sat astride a beautiful brown horse with a white stripe down its head.