After a night of dozing in one of the most uncomfortable hospital beds he’d encountered, Ken woke early enough to watch Sam sleeping in the chair beside his bed. Again, she had that peaceful glow about her.
The Sam he knew… the Sam he loved… the Sam who loved him. He’d endure most anything for her happiness.
When she’d invited Franks and Stone to take turns on the couch, he’d hoped their arguments would win. Sam had been more persuasive, and Franks slept on it now, his feet hanging over the edge.
As if an alarm clock had buzzed, Sam and Franks awoke at the same time. She smiled at Ken with a warmth and love that reached deep and fed his soul. He may have loved her before, but the woman she’d become completed him.
He closed his eyes and groaned. Had he really just used a corny movie line to describe the two of them? If the team found out, he’d lose his man card.
Franks sat with his legs over the edge of the couch, running his hand through his blond hair. It did nothing for his rumpled appearance.
When he stood and stretched, Sam shifted in her chair, dropping her feet to the floor. “Is it true you’re going to helicopter school?” she asked Franks. Until now, Ken had been the only one who knew for certain as he’d given Franks time off for training. The team had their own rumors, making it near impossible to keep something from them… the men and women who made up a family.
Franks shrugged as if it meant nothing. “I have been for a while. Our schedules don’t always make it easy to attend regularly.”
Stone entered the room, pushing a phone into his pocket. His gaze zipped across the small space in an instant and Ken would bet his agent hadn’t missed a thing. “The doc is doing rounds early and will be here in a couple minutes. Will you be ready?”
With a nod, Ken turned to Sam. “Why don’t you take Franks to get some breakfast then bring something up for us?”
Sam opened her mouth, probably to argue, but Franks stopped her. “I sure could use something to eat. Dinner last night left a lot to be desired.”
Once Franks led Sam out of the room with a backward look and nod, Ken turned to Stone knowing Franks would keep her away for a while. “Tell me.”
“Nothing. From what Cowboy says, Devon’s about to pull his hair out since he can’t locate her.” He shifted, looking uncomfortable, and a cold hand gripped Ken’s insides. “Well, I know now isn’t the best time, but remember when Devon talked about having someone on each team that could help with the load at HQ?”
Relief whooshed through him. He’d already had an inkling that Stone would be the person on his team that’d be interested. With mostly military special operators, Ken knew those veterans wouldn’t ride a desk, but Stone had been FBI, and, from what Ken had learned, pretty damn good with computers and research. “Uh-huh.” He paused and assessed his agent. “And you want to work at HQ. Be our Devon?”
“I do.”
“As long as you realize it’s when we’re up, you’re boots on the ground with us unless Devon and I decide you’d benefit us better behind the wheel. Or, until we expand the team.”
“I know it might get busy, but I want to help more. I’m no Devon, but I had a lot of practice at some of that computer magic he’s capable of doing.”
“When we get back—”
A doctor, who seemed way too cheerful that early in the morning, interrupted them. With a great deal of patience, Ken allowed the man to examine every wound, then poke and prod him until he wanted to lash out.
With a prescription for pain medicine and some ointment for his burns, Ken waited for the nurse to speak with him and all the stuff that went with checkout. As his release papers were finally placed in his hand, Sam and Franks arrived.
Never happier to leave, he hustled them out. He wanted her secure once again.
When they drove through Jesse’s gate, Sam directed them to take her to the house first so she could check on Cody. Even though they’d discussed the security measures on Jesse’s land, she still worried about his safety.
Kate met them at the door, and Franks and Stone turned down the path to HQ. As she, Kate, and Ken walked by the family room, he stopped at the mess.
“They created blanket tents last night,” Kate informed them. “I just haven’t gotten to it. They were up most of the night trying to keep everything from falling. Once they conked out, Jesse shored it all up so it didn’t drop during the night.”
“Where’s Cody?”
Kate’s pleasing smile eased his tension. “He’s with Reagan, riding Winglet.”
Sam frowned. “What’s a Winglet?” Kate had to be messing with their heads. Then again, if Reagan was involved, there was no telling.
“He’s a horse,” Kate said like he should know that. “Haven’t you heard her mention him? She talks nonstop about it.”
“I didn’t realize it’d be here. I thought she rode at a training place.”
“She did, but she drove me nuts wanting to go all the time. It was easier to buy the horse and hire a groom. The barn’s been unused for so long, so we didn’t have to build anything.”