“Bring a suit, okay?”
He looked puzzled at the request but agreed.
A few hours later, Zach left with another promise to Delilah that he would see her in Otter Creek.
After Trent, Simon, and Liam returned to their rooms and Cade and Sasha went to bed, Matt gathered Delilah into his arms and held her for long minutes before walking her to the bedroom. “Get some rest. I’ll be on the couch if you need me.” After a soft, tender kiss, he nudged Delilah inside and closed the door.
When Delilah was asleep, Matt called Zane and updated his friend. “We’ll return to Otter Creek tomorrow morning. I need time off, Z.”
“I’m sure it won’t be a problem. Is there a special reason?”
“Delilah and I hope to get married the day after tomorrow.”
Zane laughed. “Great reason for a vacation. Congratulations, my friend. I’ll pass the word along to the boss. We’ll work around your honeymoon plans. Send Brent an email to let him know the dates you’ll be unavailable.”
“Thank you for your help in protecting Delilah.”
“Glad to do it, Matt.”
“That’s good because I need another favor.”
“Name it.”
“I want a set of the GPS jewelry for Delilah and I need it overnighted to PSI.”
“Everything will be waiting for you when you reach Otter Creek.”
“I owe you, buddy.”
“I’ll remind you of that one day.”
Too wired to sleep, Matt called Marcus Lang, the pastor of the church he and Delilah attended. After confirming Lang’s willingness and availability to perform the ceremony in two days, Matt grabbed his laptop and planned the honeymoon.
Miles Russell ushered Delilah and Matt into an interrogation room. He motioned for them to sit and slid papers across the table. “Read your statements. If they’re accurate, sign them and we’ll talk.”
Delilah scanned the document and signed as did Matt. They slid the pages back to Russell. “Who killed my mother?”
“Donovan Cain confessed to killing her and Randy.”
“Why?” Matt asked.
“An arrangement with Shane. If Donovan committed the murders, Shane would split the lottery proceeds three ways. He learned about the contents of Mrs. Holloway’s will and Lisa’s steady pilfering of the accounts from his girlfriend. He wanted to protect her. Since she was already stealing funds, Shane decided to take the rest of the money.”
“Donovan planned to kill Delilah in Otter Creek, didn’t he?”
Russell nodded. “If you and your teammates had arrived five minutes later, Delilah would have been abducted, raped, and murdered later that night on orders from Shane.”
She shuddered at the vocalization of her cousin’s plot. “Why does he hate me? I didn’t do anything to him.”
“You stood in the way of his goal. If Mrs. Holloway had split the lottery proceeds between you and the four men, he probably wouldn’t have bothered with conspiracy plans. When he learned your mother gave you all the money except the bequests, he knew he couldn’t protect Lisa for long. Shane was afraid Delilah would notice the missing money and discover Lisa was responsible.”
“I should have killed him while I had the chance.”
Delilah laid her hand on Matt’s. He turned his hand over and threaded their fingers together.
A sharp look from the detective. “I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that although I’d feel the same if Shane had targeted my wife.”