Five minutes passed. Ten. No movement from the truck occupant. Matt, however, was having a difficult time staying focused. “You enjoy torturing me,” he accused as he shivered at the love bite she pressed to his neck.
“I’m not going to forget the scorecard.”
“That’s what I’m counting on.”
After waiting another minute with no movement from the person in the truck, Matt levered himself away from Delilah, cupping her face with the palm of his hand. “He isn’t taking the bait and I want to check on Cade. Wait for me to come get you.”
He circled the hood and opened Delilah’s door. Matt tucked her against his side and guided her to the emergency room entrance. As they threaded their way through the vehicles between their position and the entrance, he used mirrors and reflections on windshields to maintain surveillance on the truck.
Nothing. He must be settling in to wait until Delilah and Matt returned to the SUV. Zane might pick up the license plate from traffic cams. Matt wanted to know who owned the truck on their tail. If he knew that information, he might have a better idea who wanted to hurt Delilah.
Delilah walked with Matt into the hospital’s emergency room waiting area. Sasha sat in a chair at the back of the room with Simon on one side and Liam on the other. “Sasha.”
Her friend rushed into Delilah’s open arms. “Any news?”
“The doctor is working on him now. He kicked me out of the treatment room so I don’t know what’s going on.”
“I’ll see what I can find out. This is a good time to flash my EMT credentials.” Matt squeezed Delilah’s hand and strode from the room.
Sasha released Delilah. “Do you think Matt will learn anything?”
“I’d put my money on him any day. Where’s Trent?”
“At the door of the treatment room.” Liam got up. “Sasha, you need a soft drink. Do you have a favorite?”
“Nothing with orange or grape flavor.”
He looked at Delilah. “Stay with Simon. I won’t be long.”
Bemused over Liam’s protectiveness, she wrapped her arm around Sasha’s shoulders and led her friend back to her chair. “Cade will be fine.”
“How do you know?”
“If he’d been critical, Matt would have gone with him to the hospital.”
Most of the tension left her friend’s shoulders. “You’re right. I should have realized Matt wouldn’t have let Cade go without him if he was critical. I know my husband’s work is dangerous and he’s the best, but this isn’t a mission. He shouldn’t have been injured.”
Guilt assailed Delilah. Perhaps she should have insisted Cade and Sasha stay in Otter Creek. But Cade was Matt’s best friend. They stuck together.
Simon laid his hand over Sasha’s. “Unexpected things happen every day. You could be injured in a car wreck or fall off a ladder at Perk. At least Matt was on hand and Cade was at a hospital within minutes of the explosion. Another thing to keep in mind, Sasha. If Cade hadn’t been at the Holloway house, Matt and Delilah would have been inside the house when it exploded. They’re alive because of your husband.”
“What if Cade had been injured like this when your team was on the battlefield?”
“Matt would treat him. He has almost as much medical training as a doctor, Sasha, and he’s constantly studying and learning more. I trust Matt more than any medical doctor. He knows what he’s doing.”
She leaned her head against his upper arm. “I’m sorry. I’m just worried about Cade.”
“Remember, we have his back and yours.”
In that moment, Delilah understood what she’d be facing if she and Matt stayed together. No. Not if. When she and Matt stayed together. And that’s when she knew the truth. Delilah loved the handsome medic. She had to find a way to deal with the uncertainty and worry when Matt was deployed.
She knew the wives of the Durango team were close and supported each other when their husbands were gone. If the women needed something while the men were deployed, Bravo helped out. Maybe the Durango wives would share some insights. The only other option was to walk away from Matt, and that wasn’t going to happen. She’d already lost her heart to him.
Matt returned to the waiting room and crouched in front of Sasha. “The doctor is flushing out Cade’s wound and will stitch him up shortly. Cade’s grousing about the doc’s terrible bedside manner and having to put up with an IV. They’re administering antibiotics and a pain killer.” He smiled. “In other words, he’ll be fine.”