Page 43 of Under Fire

“I’d rather know the truth than believe a lie.”

He slid the mug of water with a tea bag into the microwave and started the heating cycle. “Under normal circumstances, I wouldn’t let you read the files. Since you’re at the heart of this mission, I can justify the protocol breach.”

“Will there be many things you can’t tell me?”

Matt’s insides knotted. “Most things. Fortress and PSI are in security, and our missions are confidential. Some have national security implications. The level of secrecy would be the same if I was enlisted in the Army and part of a Special Forces unit.” He set her mug by his computer and dropped into the seat beside hers. Would she accept his limitations?

“You were in a Special Forces unit?”


“Did you like it?”

“Most of it.”

“What didn’t you like?”

“The brass. They had objectives and insisted we go on missions even when the intel was bad and they knew it.” Matt’s hands fisted. “One of their screw ups cost the life of a good friend, a man I’d grown up with. We enlisted together, trained together, and eventually made it into the same Ranger unit. We lost Jacob and four others on that mission.”

Delilah’s soft hand wrapped around his wrist. “I’m sorry, Matt. Is that why you don’t sleep well at night?”

Smart lady. “That mission and others still haunt me. The soldiers I couldn’t save, the lives I had to take in the line of duty.”

“Thank you for telling me.”

“You have a right to know what you’re getting into.” He slid her a look. “Now is the time to walk away, Delilah. The longer I’m with you, the harder it will be to let you go if you change your mind.” He already knew it would be nearly impossible to watch her leave. Delilah Frost was fast becoming necessary to him. Knowing the truth would likely scare her to death.

To his surprise, Delilah brushed his lips with hers. “It’s already too late.”

Matt stared, unsure what to make of her statement and afraid to push. Was she claiming him temporarily or permanently? He knew which one he voted for. Unwilling to box her in, he changed the subject. “After we scan Zane’s report, I’ll grab a quick shower and we’ll go.”

Delilah wrapped her hands around the tea mug. “Shower now, Matt. I’ll drink my tea while I wait for you to finish. We’ll read Zane’s files if we have time.”

“You sure you don’t mind?” He hated to make her wait alone. Matt knew well haunting thoughts could creep into a person’s mind when all was quiet. Today would be difficult enough for Delilah without starting her day with tumultuous thoughts.

“Positive. I promise not to get a head start on the report.”

He grinned. “The computer is password protected and the files encrypted. You wouldn’t have much luck breaking through either of them.”

“Go shower.”

“Stay inside the suite and away from windows.” He pointed to the chair near her bedroom door. “That’s the safest place. If anyone knocks or tries to get into the suite, come get me. I won’t be longer than five minutes.”

Matt grabbed his duffel and went to Delilah’s bathroom. One deep breath froze him in place. The fresh, breezy scent of citrus filled his lungs, a scent he always associated with Delilah.

Wrenching himself into gear, he zipped through his shower, leaving off shaving this morning in favor of returning to Delilah’s side sooner. The beard made him appear to have a dangerous edge.

He almost laughed at that thought. He did have a dangerous edge. If the beard stubble scratched her skin, Matt would take a couple minutes after his teammate woke and scrape off the stubble.

When he returned to the living room with his bag in hand, Cade was standing in the kitchen, leaning against the counter with a mug of coffee in his hand, an amused smile on his face. His friend’s relaxed stance told Matt the suite was secure.

Cade turned. “About time you showed up. Thought I’d have to save you from drowning.”

Matt rolled his eyes. “Took me six minutes.”

His friend’s smile widened. “Used to take you three. Guess you’re out to impress your girl.” Cade picked up another mug and started toward the second bedroom. “Sasha and I will be out soon. Don’t leave without us.”

Delilah frowned. “They don’t have to come. I feel bad dragging them from place to place.”