“If we need him, Cade won’t do us any good from West Fork. Besides, Sasha always visits coffee shops for ideas to improve Perk.” He sat in front of his laptop and typed in the passwords necessary to log into his Fortress account.
Matt clicked on the report Zane prepared and shifted the computer for Delilah to view the screen easier. As he read, Matt’s astonishment grew. According to Z, old Randy was a hound dog. While married to Michelle, he’d had one mistress after another. Randy had also quit his job four years earlier and hadn’t worked a day since. According to his financials, though, Randy spent a lot of money each week. The jewelry store, flower shop, restaurants, and several hotels in towns outside Harmony benefited from his generous spending.
Matt frowned. If Randy didn’t work, where was he getting the money to pay for all the extravagances?
Setting aside those questions for the moment, he scrolled to the next part of the report dealing with Zach, Delilah’s brother. Z’s research showed that Zach blew through more money each week than his stepfather. The gambling habit had grown worse and Delilah’s brother ran a sizable tab in the town’s three bars.
A quiet sniff drew his gaze from the screen to Delilah. Tears trickled down her cheeks as she read the report.
Matt wrapped his arm around her shoulders and drew her against his side. “Hard to read, isn’t it?”
“Heartbreaking. Zach’s life is spiraling out of control and he doesn’t even realize it.” She grabbed a nearby napkin and blotted her face dry. “Where is he getting the money for the lifestyle? Zane didn’t mention my brother winning a big pot of money at a casino to fund the spending spree.”
Matt clicked on the second report Z attached to the email. “The money came from your mother.”
“That’s not possible.”
“Your brother has been receiving a generous allowance from your mom for nearly four years.” Matt frowned. “So have Evan and Shane Frost. Your mother was supporting them all. Zane couldn’t find an employer for your stepfather, brother, or your cousins.”
“Your friend at Fortress is thorough.”
“Details keep us alive on missions.” He squeezed her shoulders. “Where would your mother come up with enough money to support five people?” The fact she hadn’t offered to send Delilah money hadn’t escaped him. Why wouldn’t Michelle be as generous with Delilah as she was with her no-account husband, son, and nephews?
“I don’t know. Mom was an interior decorator. When she was sober, she did all right for herself, but she didn’t earn enough to support the lifestyle in this report.”
“If we can’t figure out where the money came from, I’ll ask Zane do an in-depth run on your mother’s finances.” Might still do that anyway. Something was hinky with this arrangement.
Cade and Sasha returned the living room. For the first time in months, Matt’s heart didn’t hurt watching the deliriously happy couple and he didn’t feel like a third wheel despite the Ramseys’ assurances that he was always welcome to spend time with them. The difference was Delilah.
“Please tell me we have time to eat before we leave.” Sasha lifted the cover from one of the plates. “Oh, nice. Waffles. My favorite.” She smiled at Matt. “You remembered.”
“How could I forget? Cade talks my ear off all the time about you.”
Bravo’s EOD man narrowed his eyes. “Who drives me crazy talking about a certain candle shop owner?”
Delilah motioned them to the other side of the table. “We need to leave in a few minutes. I have to stop at the bank before we go to the lawyer’s office.”
When the couple finished their meals, Matt shut down his computer. “We’ll carry the gear to the SUV and be on our way.”
“We’re not staying another night?” Disappointment filled Delilah’s eyes.
“I’m not checking us out. If there’s a problem and I think our location has been compromised, I don’t want to return to retrieve our belongings. I’d rather just disappear and assume another identity at a different hotel in another town.”
“Told you,” Sasha said to Delilah.
“Good thing I paid attention to your advice.” She turned to Matt. “My bag is ready to go.”
“Excellent. Let’s roll.”
Minutes later, their gear was loaded and they drove away from the hotel. Almost an hour later, Matt parked in front of First Harmony Bank and glanced over the seat at the Ramseys. “Delilah might appreciate more chamomile tea if you two want to visit the coffee shop beside the bank.”
Sasha turned, her face lighting up. “It looks great. Do you mind, Cade?”
“I can always use more coffee.” He eyed Matt. “You sure you don’t need me to watch your back?”
“Not at the bank.”
A nod. “I’ll buy drinks for all of us while Sasha looks around the coffee shop.”