“Yeah?” her sister replied.
“I am going to get us some drinks, but, uh, don’t wait if I take too long.” She winked and bit her lip anxiously.
This was it. The start of everything. Well, of her vacation. Best not to get carried away, she scolded herself. As she strutted her stuff to the bar, she noticed several pairs of eyes flash her way.
Was it her, or was there something different about the men?
They were all huge and hot.
Like super hot.
She grinned and winked at one or two as she made her way. Not many bigger women had the kind of confidence Sage had when it came to men, but she’d learned all about self-esteem young in life. People tended to treat her the way the way she treated herself.
Yes, she was bigger than what society claimed was hot, but fuck that. She was proud of her brains, body, looks, and accomplishments. And not necessarily in that order. One look around told her Mr. Blue-eyes was still staring.
Straightening her shoulders, she decided to go for it. Sage knew damn well what she had to offer. So, with her why-yes-I-will-join-you-and-thanks-very-much-for-holding-my-spot attitude in place, she walked right up to the blond god. Giving the tall stranger one long, slow perusal with her thickly lashed eyes, Sage allowed one corner of her lips to tilt invitingly into a semi-smile she’d perfected long ago.
Hell, he was even better looking than she’d thought from across the bar. He leaned forward and seemed to inhale.
Damn, was he growling?
Sage had to squeeze her legs together as he leaned back, licking his lips as he returned her thorough look with one of his own.
Of course, the stranger paused intently twice during his perusal. Once on her breasts, which she had to admit were impressive. And lastly, on her eyes.
“Hello, my name is Sage Freeman.”
“Good evening, Sage.” He licked his lips invitingly before opening them to speak once more. That deep, dark voice was so damn hot, she damn near melted at his feet. “I’m Landry.”
“That’s a unique name,” she said, and mimicked the movement of his tongue. Licking her own lips. She could not believe the force of her arousal. It was immediate. Like nothing she had ever felt. Her nipples hardened beneath his stare and moisture dampened her panties. Sage bit back a whimper as her pussy clenched on air, clit throbbing with need. Okay then, she mused, she was more than turned on by him.
“Well then, Landry, let me grab us a drink, then maybe you and I can have a nice, long chat. Bartender?” She winked at Mr. Blond and Sexy, then turned her attention to the man behind the bar.
“Yes, miss?”
“I’ll have a gin and tonic with a twist. Gunpowder if you have it,” she said. “And another round for my friend here.”
The slight rumbling next to her stopped the second she turned her head to the right. An even bigger man, though just as striking, was closing in on her. He was truly enormous. Seven feet tall with long dark hair, piercing gray eyes, and a chiseled face despite the fierce scowl he wore. Something about that look struck a chord inside of her, and Sage felt her panties moisten even more.
“Sage, allow me to introduce my partner. This is Callan McGregor.” Landry nodded at the huge man who had absolutely no inkling of personal space.
To say he was crowding her was a gross understatement. But there was something about his hard body pressed against hers that made her want to rub herself all over him. She’d never felt like that before. Such instant, bone deep attraction.
Truthfully, she should be shocked that she could have the same intense desire for each man, but she wasn’t at all. No, this is what she’d been fantasizing about for most of her life. Sage in the middle of a pair of rugged, rough, sexy as all hell men like these two. Oh yes, she wanted that. Would do about anything to have them both.
“Hi.” She followed Landry’s nodded gesture, and her eyes went even wider as she stared into the man’s liquid silver eyes. She cleared her throat before turning to the waiting bartender.
“I’d like another round for him too.” She added a third drink to the order.
“Put it on our tab,” the huge stranger said with a thick Scottish accent.
Holy hell.
Was there no end to the procession of hotness?
Moisture pooled between her legs and her body heated from his nearness. Callan with the sexy voice was an actual raging inferno.