Page 13 of Doubly Bound

Wouldn’t it feel nice to cuddle up to him on a frosty night?

The imagery made her shiver.

“Uh, hang on a sec.” She looked from one man to the other. “When you say partner? Do you mean partner-partner? Cause, it’s cool. I just don’t want to step on toes if you two are involved in a relationship,” she said in a hushed voice.

Apparently, not low enough.

The guy standing next to big and sexy almost choked on his beer. The fucker. He didn’t laugh for long though. Callan turned and slapped his back, as if to help, but the man squeaked at the force with which Callan hit him.

Yes, squeaked.

Then, the stranger literally ran the fuck out of there.

“No, love, we’re not that kind of partners. We have a different arrangement.”

“Like business partners?”

“Exactly.” Landry grinned, and suddenly, her tension eased.

“Are you here on vacation then, or business?”

“A little of both,” Landry answered and moved a touch closer.

Sage was having a difficult time controlling her response to their physical proximity. Being sandwiched between two men was one of her top three fantasies. Especially when said men looked like these two. Hell, she had never dated anyone so attractive. But there was something about them that pulled her to both with an equal intensity that was almost frightening.

“Are you cold, lass?” The big one leaned down and pressed his body against her side. “You’re shivering.”

“No, I’m not cold.” She reached for her drink and took a sip as soon as the bartender set it down. The slice of orange brought out the floral tones of the gin, and Sage sighed as it steadied her nerves. Any minute now, she was going to climb on one or both giants next to her. She was that worked up over them.

But Sage knew better than to act without finding out if they were thinking what she was thinking. And damn, those were some dirty thoughts. Unless she wanted to spend the weekend in the suite with her battery-operated boyfriend, she better damn well make sure these two were up for what she had in mind. No unexpected surprises or disappointments. Sage didn’t think she could handle that after the week she’d had.

No, she was going to take the chance. Here, now. On Moongate Island. What better place or time would she ever have to fulfill one of her ultimate fantasies? Besides, judging from the bulge in each of their pants, Landry and Callan sure were up for something.

“Are you traveling alone?” Landry asked, turning her attention back to the handsome blond.

“No, I’m here with my sisters. We do this every year.”

“You do?” He seemed surprised, but she just shrugged.

“Sure. Well, not here. But, yes, we travel together all the time.”

“So, you’ve been looking for a while now?”

“I’m sorry?” She narrowed her eyes, but Callan interrupted with a hand on her chin.

The feel of his roughened fingertips against her skin made shivers travel up and down her spine. There was something about him, forceful and masculine but not in any exaggerated way. He didn’t have to announce how badass he was, he just was. And yes, she responded to said badassery in a big way. Not that Landry was less than, not at all. In fact, he was just as potent, but in an understated way. Suave and charming like.

“How do you like your accommodations?” Callan’s warm breath tickled the nerves along her neck as he leaned in closer, lifting a lock of her hair between his big fingers.

“The resort is great. They sent us this driver, Jacob, and he was fun. He uh, upgraded us to a large suite when we arrived.” She licked her suddenly dry lips.

“I see. That’s nice.” He grunted and continued to play with that single lock of hair.

The touch was platonic, and yet entirely intimate. Her eyes blinked up at his, the swirling pools of silver hypnotic. She’d never seen eyes like that before. Turning her head, she caught the pale glow of Landry’s.


Must be something in the lighting of the bar, she mused. Sipping from her fragrant drink, she replaced the cup on the coaster.