“Why?”Iasked, leaning back to get a better look at his face.Hishair was mussed, and his lips swollen, and he looked more beautiful than any creatureIhad ever seen.Icould kiss him for an eternity and drown in his eyes happily. “Idon’t want to stop.”
“Idon’t either, which is why we should.”Hesighed again, and with the same easy strength, moved away from me on the bed. “Wehave more important things that need our attention.”
“Surelythere is nothing we can accomplish tonight,”Isaid, desire still pulsing through my blood, unfamiliar yet intoxicating.
Heleaned over and kissed me again, gently this time, a mere press of lips against each other. “Letus get through this alive, then we shall revisit this conversation, yes?”
Iheld his gaze for a moment.Theonly reasonIcould stop the snarky reply was the desire swirling in his smoke-blue eyes.AdesireIwas certain mirrored in my own eyes.
“Ishall hold you to that,Dullahan.”
Hesmiled. “Iwould expect nothing less.”
Nomore words passed between us as we prepared for bed, changing our clothes separately.Iclimbed into the bed, facing the window asAlexanderextinguished the lamp.Thebed dipped as he climbed in behind me.
“BlessedSamhain,Alexander,”Iwhispered into the darkness.
Hisarms tightened around me, and he pressed a kiss to the top of my head. “BlessedSamhain,Katrina.”
Fora moment,Ilet myself be lulled into thinking thatIcould find peace and happiness, here in the arms of the rider of death.Ilet myself find comfort in his warmth and drifted off to sleep.Tomorrow, we would continue our search for the summoner.
Myheart was thundering in my chest asIstood in front ofPriscilla’sbookstore.WhenIwoke,Alexanderwas already up and dressed, leaning against the wall, and waiting for me, his eyes watching my every move with an indifference that opposed the intensity churning in them the night before.Hehad quietly informed me he would drop me off atPriscilla’sand then go to seeCyrusalone.
Hedidn’t say why, and thoughIdidn’t ask,Idid not need him to say the words.Thepinch of his brow and the strained muscles in his neck as he ran his hand over his chin had told me allIneeded to know.Hedidn’t think it was safe.Heeither didn’t thinkIwas strong enough to take care of myself or didn’t thinkIwould be able to control my magic in light of whatever informationCyrusshared.Ididn’t need him to tell me which one it was.Bothwere equally enraging.
Ihad dressed in silence, nodding my agreement, and followed him toPriscilla’s.
Pushingthe door open, we entered.Thewave of old parchment was comforting.
“Youhave returned,”Priscillacalled, stepping out from between shelves. “Good.WhatcanIdo for you today?”
“YouknowItrust you, don’t you,Priscilla?”Alexanderasked, his tone grave and his brow low.
“Ofcourse,Alexander,”Priscillasaid, pressing a hand to her chest, clearly both offended and confused by the question. “Youknow that you can trust me with anything.Iwould never tell a soul anything you share with me.”
“Iam going to leave my friend here with you for the day,” he said, his hand moving to my lower back to urge me toward the suspicious woman. “Ihave had her glamoured, and whenIremove that magic, you will recognize her.Ineed your word that you will protect her whileIam gone.”
Myheart sped up, sweat beading, and rolling down my spine.Ihad forgotten that the glamor would only exist if theDullahanwas near me.WhileAlexanderseemed content to takePriscilla’sword for her trustworthiness,Iwas more skeptical.Wouldshe turn me in to my parents?Mybreath quickened in time with my heart.
Priscillaeyed me, her sharp gaze traveling from my head down to my boots before she let it fall back toAlexander. “Youhave my word.Whoare you, girl?”
TheHorsemanwaved his hand and my skin tingled as the magic fell, my ears popping uncomfortably.Reachingup to rub at my right ear to ease the ache,IwatchedPriscilla’seyes widen.Slowly,Ilet my hand fall back to my side.Bloodthundered in my ears.
“Katrina,” she breathed.Hereyes softened from the suspicious narrowed gaze she’d had sinceAlexanderspoke. “DoesHenryknow you’re alive?”
“WhoisHenry?”Alexanderasked, his voice sharp as he looked betweenPriscillaand me.
Now, the hard gaze of the bookkeeper landed on him. “Henryis an earth mage who owns a pottery shop.He’sKatrina’semployer.”
“Howis he?”Imurmured, unsure ifItruly wanted to hear the answer.
Hereyes flicked back to me, offering me a small smile. “Heis sad, as you would expect, but he is a resilient old man.Howare you alive, child?Theysaid you were sent to theDullahan.”
Nowit was my turn to hesitate.Didshe know thatAlexanderwas theDullahan?
Ilooked up at him questioningly.