Hesighed, reaching up to run a hand through his hair as he hesitated.Finally, he sighed again, rolling his shoulders back and straightening his jacket. “Priscilla,Iam theDullahan.”
“Ibeg your pardon?”Hervoice could have cut glass. “AlexanderBrannon, you had better be pulling my leg, boy.”
“Iam not.”Hisspine was rigid and the discomfort coming off him made my skin itch. “Andas much asIwould enjoy explaining this to you,Ihave somewhere elseIneed to be.”
Hereyes narrowed once more. “Donot dismiss me.Iexpect you to return and answer every single one of my questions.”
Hebowed his head. “Ofcourse.Now, will you please protectKatrinawhileIam gone?Noone can know she is alive.”
“Iwould protect her even if it were not you asking me.Iowe that much toHenry,” she said, waving a hand atAlexander. “Goon and do what you need to do.Wewill be fine here.”
“Alexander.”Ineeded to speak beforeIlost my nerve. “CanIcome with you?”
Hisface hardened, and he stepped up in front of me, wrapping a hand around my elbow as he guided me away fromPriscillaand toward the corner of the room. “No.Ineed you to stay here.Whereit’s safe.”
“Ican protect myself.”
“That’snot whatI’mconcerned about.”
Myeyebrows furrowed. “Thenwhat?Whatis it?Lastnight, we agreed we would both go toCyrus.What’schanged?”
Hesighed, running a hand through his hair.Steppingcloser to me, his breath washed over my face. “Therisk is if someone sees us on our way to his home.Ican disguise myself in the spirit realm untilIget there, andIplan to speak with him in my spirit form, so he cannot see my face.Icannot do that to you,Katrina.Youwill always have either your true face or the one from my glamor.Andif anyone sees us going toCyrus’stogether, and reports that back to your mother… our plans will be over before they even begin.Wecannot have them be suspicious of us both.”
Mymouth opened and closed asIsearched for an argument, butIcouldn’t find any.Hewas right, andIhated it.Mycheeks burned, butIhad to try once more.Ineeded the answers thatCyruscould provide to learn about my magic. “Ican be stealthy,Alexander.”
Asmall smile turned up his lips. “Ihave no doubt of that.Fornow, please ease my mind and stay here withPriscilla.Weneed to keep searching the books as well.Despitemy suspicions, we need more information before we can say with certainty it is the sluagh.Iwant to be sure, with no doubt, what is being summoned here before we confront anyone.Findus that,Katrina.Helpme discover that.”
Pursingmy lips,Iraised my chin to meet his eyes.
Thefurrow of his brow, set over wide eyes that fixed on me so intentlyImight drown in the sea of gray-blue.
Exhaling, the fight left my body.Islumped down, crossing my arms and brushing against his stomach. “Fine.ButIwant to know everything he says when you return.Everything,Alexander.Nomatter how small.”
“Ofcourse.”Hebowed his head.Thenhe reached up and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.TurningtoPriscilla, who was watching us with an amused grin from her spot by the bookshelves, he raised his voice. “I’llbe back later.Bothof you stay safe.”
Priscillabowed her head but didn’t say anything else.
Thehesitation in his steps was clear, but after a moment of looking back and forth between us, he nodded and left the bookshop without another word.Priscillafollowed him to the door, locking it behind him.Hedidn’t turn back once as he moved down the road into town.
Turningback to me, she draped an arm around my shoulders, guiding me to sit on the chairs at the front of the shop. “Now,Katrina.Youmust tell me everything.”
Ihesitated, unsure of how much to tell her.Isank down into the plush fabric, anxiety gnawing at my stomach.Priscillamay have knownHenry, but she did not know me.ButifHenrytrustedPriscillaenough for her to knowIwas supposed to have left before my death sentence, and ifAlexandertrustedPriscilla,IsupposedIcould, too. “Whatdo you want to know?”
“Youwere supposed to be leaving.”Hervoice was much softer now that she recognized me asHenry’sfriend.Shereached out and gently took one of my hands in between hers, patting the top of my hand soothingly. “Howdid you end up back here?”
“Bromsaw me heading to the bridge.Hegrabbed me and…”Itook a deep breath. “Brompushed me over the embankment.Ihit my head and fell into the water.Alexanderpulled me out.”
“Ialways knewBromwas an unsavory character,” she said, tutting as she shook her head. “Anyonewho does not appreciate good books is no one to be friends with, my dear.”
Herwords made me smile.Henryhad said something similar regarding art.Icould see how they got along.Itmade my heart squeeze, andIlonged to slip into the pottery shop and hug my mentor tightly. “Yes,Iagree.”
Shetipped her head to the side, studying me. “Sowhy are you back,Katrina?”
Myshoulders felt like they carried the weight of all the books in the shop. “AlexandersaidSleepyHollowwas in danger and thatIcould help save it.”
Shepursed her lips. “Thistown did not care about you, and yet you care enough about it to sacrifice your own freedom.Perhapsyou are more likeAlexanderthanIthought.”