Page 35 of Hollowed

“Theyare the ones who tried to send you to me?”Nowhis voice was hard and filled with a darkness that would have me afraid if he had directed it at me. “Andyou believed them to be your friends?”

Isquirmed under his intense gaze, my flames sputtering out as embarrassment cut through the anger, extinguishing it with a gust of shame. “Morelike acquaintances, but yes, they were the ones who pushed me over the bank.”

“Wewill start with him then,” he said, standing from the table. “Now, let us prepare to go into theHollow.Thereis a small bag in the trunk that you can put clothing into.Iwill getLiathready to travel and then we will be off.”


Iwanted to saveSleepyHollowto spite the notions of theCiallmhar, to save the innocent people, and to prove to my motherIwas not the worthless waste of life she believed me to be, but the idea of going back so soon to face those who had sentenced me to death—Iwas not eager to revisit it.

Hepaused on his path to the door, his large hand wrapped around the frame, flexing as his fingers tightened around the wood.Iswallowed heavily and tore my eyes away from the strength.

Theyare justhands,Katrina,Itold myself, blinking rapidly asItried to listen to his words.

“Yes.Wedo not have much time,Katrina.Wemust find out who is summoning this evil and stop them before they succeed.”

“Ofcourse.”Ijumped up and moved down the hall.Mycheeks flushed, asIfelt thoroughly reprimanded.Glancingback over my shoulder,Ipaused, feeling as thoughIneeded to say something else to him.Iwanted to thank him for believing in me, for taking me in and not killing me.Butthe words that came out were weak and pitiful in comparison. “Thankyou for the clothing.”

Hehesitated for a moment, andIcould feel his eyes on my back.Ihoped he would say something.Iwasn’t certain what, but in the end, the door opened and closed, andIwas alone once more.

Sighing,Iopened the trunk and began piling dresses into the small bag inside.Iwould have to face my town, whetherIwas prepared to or not.


Thesun was high in the sky asAlexanderclimbed ontoLiathbehind me.Ididn’t want to admit his presence comforted me, but it did.Theheat from his body warmed my back as his thighs bracketed my own.Ashiver coursed through me and my cheeks instantly blazed.Thisman—this being—was on an entirely different level than me, and my naïve attraction, stemming from my prolonged lack of affection, would not be welcome,Iwas sure.

“Passme your bag,” he said gruffly, not even noticing my turmoil.

Flustered,Itried to lift the strap over my head, but managed to get it tangled in my curls, wincing asIpulled my own hair.

“Here,” he muttered, wrapping his arms around me to reach up and untangle the strap from my hair.Liftingthe mass of wild curls, he freed the strap and leaned in to grab the bag, securing it behind him.

“Thankyou,”Isaid, glancing over my shoulder to offer a smile.Itwas the leastIcould do after making an utter fool of myself.

Hiseyes flicked down to my lips before his face shuddered and his gaze moved out to the field beyond.Histhighs flexed, and he dug his heels intoLiath’sside. “Weshould be off.”

Alexander’sbody only amplified the swaying of my body as he pressed up against my back.Iturned around, focusing intently onLiath’smane in front of me.Ineeded to get myself under control.Alexander—no,theDullahan—did not find me attractive.Thiswas no time or place for attraction; we were facing a threat to our town.Perhapsacknowledging thatIwas touch starved would be enough to remind myself that my feelings were not real, and even if they were, theDullahandid not reciprocate them.

Thiswas just a professional arrangement, built on the desire to saveSleepyHollow.Andthough our reasonings for wanting to saveSleepyHollowmight differ, the goal was ultimately the same.Andas its protector, that was theHorseman’sonly concern.Notme.

Perhapsafter this was over, if we succeeded in this impossible task,Icould continue my journey toSaintAugustineand begin a new life.OnewhereIcould entertain these feelings for someone else.

Liathjerked as she began to trot, andIpulled my mind back to the present.Therewas time to dream later, now was time to investigate.

Ridinginto town was extremely nerve-racking; my body was achy and tense by the time the bridge came into view.Thejourney had felt like an eternity.Approachingthe bridge, he pulledLiathto a halt, his thighs flexing around mine.

“Howmany will be there to greet us once we cross the bridge?”Hisvoice was soft, and the puff of breath against the left side of my neck sent shivers down my spine.

Ibriefly closed my eyes as we approached the entrance to the bridge. “Therewill be a fairly sizeable crowd waiting for us by the time we make it into town.”

“Ineed to apply the glamor to your appearance,” he said into my left ear.Hehad remembered whatIhad said about speaking when behind me and was the first person other thanHenrywho had adapted to my needs.Itwarmed some part of me thatIkept covered in ice for far too long.

“WhatwillIlook like?”

“Themagic required to change your entire body would be too taxing to hold for long, butIcan change your face shape, hair color, and your voice,” he said as a wave of magic washed over me.Ittingled across the bridge of my nose, tickling down my neck and over my chest, moving through the rest of my body.

“Howlong will it last?”Iasked, reaching up to tug on my hair.Itstill felt like my dark, coarse, and curly hair, but whenIlifted a strand, it was silky smooth and blonde in my fingers.

“Forhowever long you are in my presence,” he answered. “Whichmeans you need to stay near me at all times, lest the magic wane.”