WhileIhad been prepared to be around him for this investigation, something about hearing the requirement was jarring. “Whatif we get separated?”
“Getaway from people and make your way back to wherever we are staying without being seen.Ifyou can’t do that, meet me beneath the bridge by the water.”Hehummed, a low sound that vibrated against my back. "Itwill be all right,Katrina.Iswear, no one will harm you.”
Withoutanother word, he urgedLiathover the bridge.Acrow cawed loudly as we passed, making me jump and look at the sky.Alexanderpulled onLiath’sreins to slow her as my head whipped around, searching for the source.There, perched in the tree just next to the bridge, sat another lone crow, staring at us.
Anuneasy feeling nagged at my mind, like claws scraping down the back of my neck.Ifelt a whisper of a threat not yet said aloud, and without a doubt,Iknew it was the same crow that had been in the town square.
“Thatis the third timeI’veseen that crow,”Iwhispered, keeping my eyes locked on the creature.
Alexanderhummed again and flexed his thighs aroundLiathto speed her up, not hesitating for a moment as we began down the path that would lead us into the town’s center.
Trueto my word, there was a small crowd gathered as we neared.Myanxiety flared and my heart pounded against my ribs, my legs vibrating with unspent energy.Iclenched my hands into fists.Ihad to control my flames, orIwould give myself away before we even began.Glovedhands slowly wrapped around mine.
“Staycalm,Katrina,”Alexandersaid, his lips pressed against the shell of my ear, effectively distracting me from the growing feelings of panic.Now, allIcould think about was his lips against my ear and his breath puffing against my skin.Oneof his hands moved from my own and wrapped around my stomach, pulling me back tightly against his chest. “Theywill not recognize you, butIneed you to trust me.”
Inodded, breathing through my nose as we approached the crowd.Recognizingmy parents, my heart raced, trying to escape my chest and flee back to theHorseman’scottage.Theylooked the same as they had the last timeIsaw them.Regaland apathetic like the morning they told me the news.
Alexandersqueezed my waist, and the touch eased my racing heart.Ifelt calmer knowing he was with me as we faced my parents and several of the otherElderswaiting for us.Adelaidewas with them, as wereBromand his parents.Itnearly made me smile to seeBrom’sbandaged hand; the same one he’d grabbed me with the night he threw me over the embankment.Itpleased me to knowIhad burned him after all.Ichabodwas not present, but given the time of day,Iassumed he was at the schoolhouse.
Mymother approached us first, a serene smile on her unnaturally smooth face. “Hello, welcome toSleepyHollow.”
IfeltAlexander’shead bow. “Greetings.Wewere told this place was a sanctuary for those with magical abilities.Isthat true?”
“Certainly,” she said, her hands clasped in front of her waist, as if they had not struck me across the face little more than a week ago.Myblood bubbled beneath my skin, butIpushed it back, focusing on the feel ofAlexander’shands around my waist. “Whereare you traveling from?”
“NearVirginia,” he replied smoothly. “Thetown we were living in discovered our true natures and forced us to leave.Mywife andIare looking for a safer place to live and potentially raise our future family, and we were told this town was a refuge.”
“Well, we are pleased you have joined us.Whatare your names?”
Ifroze.Wehad not discussed what my name would be.Hesqueezed my side briefly before smoothly replying. “ThisisKatherineElizabeth.AndIamAlexander.”
“Wewelcome you both.”Mymother turned toBrom. “Abraham, dear, can you please escortAlexanderand his wife to the stables, and then to the inn?Wewill house them there while we look for other lodging.”
“Wecan pay for our own lodging,”Alexanderspoke quickly, playing the offended husband, who did not appreciate charity.Itwas almost convincing.Itimpressed me.
“Ofcourse,” my father interjected, stepping up beside my mother. “Letus at least pay for your first night.Asa welcoming gift.”
“Howgracious of you.”Alexanderbowed his head again and cast his warmth against my back. “That’svery generous.”
“Abraham, please,” my mother said, wavingBromforward.
Hestepped up, andIcould see the grimace he was poorly hiding.Hisgaze flicked over me, and his eyes lit up in a wayIdid not care for.Alexandermust have noticed it too because his grip tightened around my waist.Inan instant, he slid from behind me, and the cold rushed in, sending a shiver down my exposed spine.
Alexanderextended his gloved hand toBrom. “Hello.Abraham, was it?”
Bromtugged on his coat, clicking his heels together and bowing slightly.Hedid not takeAlexander’shand. “Yes, but please, call meBrom.”
Idid not miss howAlexanderkept his hand extended, staying quiet untilBromfinally reached for it with his unbandaged hand.Itwas an unspoken game of dominance, andBromhad lost.
Ibit the insides of my cheeks to hide a smile.
Alexanderexchanged polite words with the others and then tookLiath’sreins in his hand as we followedBromto the stables. “Haveyou lived here long,Bram?”
“Brom,” my former friend corrected through gritted teeth. “Ihave lived here all my life.”
IknewAlexanderhadn’t mistakenly used the wrong name, and it made my insides warm.Alexanderfell silent as we continued the short walk to the stables.PullingLiathto a stop, he held his hand out to me and assisted me with dismounting.Thankfully, it was much smoother than the first timeIhad attempted it.Ismiled at him, ignoringBromentirely.Itwould only irritate him further, and ifIcould not burn the man to a crisp, irritation would suffice.Fornow.
AlexanderledLiathtoward a stall, andItrailed behind him.Bromquickly sidled up beside me. “Hello,Katherine, was it?”