Despite his supposed imperviousness to pain, the alpha drops to his knees, screaming in agony. I take advantage of his position and shove the mangled mess into his mouth and down his throat. As he chokes on his own blood, cock, and balls, I cradle his head in both my hands, crimson rivulets dripping down his face and chin from both his castrated genitals and my blood-covered hand. I tilt his head so I can stare into his eyes.
“My name is Wisp, and I am your death.”
Summoning power from the well of heat-fueled fury I once more twist and pull, snapping Pyotr's neck and separating spine from brain-stem. He’s dead before he knows what’s happened.
Doyou know what happens when you prevent an omega from nesting in their preferred location with their chosen alphas and betas, and instead try and force them to comply against theirwill? All that passion and desire turns to fury and bloodlust, lending them the strength to decimate those who stand in their way.
I rampage through the warehouse, a literal whirlwind leaving nothing but bloodstained destruction and chaos in my wake. Alpha after alpha falls at my hands, necks snapped, mouths stuffed with dismembered cocks, and throats and hearts torn from their bodies. The sets are liberally splattered with gore and resemble some of the old-school horror/slasher movies of my childhood, but nothing eases my rage.
Finally, there’s only one alpha left standing, and he’s tucked away in one corner, hovering protectively over Kieran.
“Wisp, please, it’s me, Greg. You need to snap out of it. Kieran is hurting, and there’s only so much I can do to help. Please, he needs you to come back to him, to help ease his pain.”
It’s not so much Greg’s words that have me coming back to my senses, but the agonized whimper that breaks from Kieran’s lips.
The omega is coated with a mixture of sweat and blood—both from his wounded back and the arterial spray of dismembered alphas—his eyes glazed over and his skin feverish. There’s no soft place for him to rest his body, no alpha of his choosing to alleviate his desire, and no betas around to tend to his needs. He’s so deep into his heat that he’s lost to it all, and is as helpless as a newborn kitten. Kieran doesn’t have the coherency to fight like I did, and is instead internalizing all of his disappointed anguish.
It’s shit like this that can kill omegas, and I curse Pyotr and his merry band of fuckwits to the deepest pits of Hell for what they’ve done to Kieran.
Exhaustion slams into me now that I’m no longer a literal whirling dervish, and the weight of my reformed body slams me to my knees. My unhinged and uncontrolled rage has pushedback the next wave of my heat, giving me a little breathing room, at least. I can’t lose focus now, though. I need to help Kieran, I have to clean us both up so our alphas can take us home. Hopefully, my reprieve will last long enough to get us back to the safe house so they can fuck us until we pass out, and then fuck us some more.
“Water,” I croak, and Greg disappears for a minute. He returns with several sealed plastic bottles of water, and I snatch one from his hands, wrenching the top off and gulping the entire thing down in one go. I then take another, this time with a husky, “Thanks,” as I open it. I beckon Greg over to help me sit Kieran up, and tilt the bottle to his mouth, urging him to swallow.
“C’mon, Kieran. Let’s get some water into you, and then we’ll see if Greg here can scrounge us up some clothing or sheets, as well as something we can use to clean up a bit. We don’t want our alphas walking in on us looking like we’ve just waded through an abattoir, do we?”
“Too late,” rumbles a deep voice from behind me, one that has tears springing to my eyes. I want to jump to my feet and leap into Henley’s arms, but I don’t dare let Kieran go. Not until I know the others are here and able to care for him.
“Hen?” I whimper, and I crumple into myself with relief as the welcoming scent of beeswax, lemongrass, and raw wood curls around me. I’m both mentally and physically exhausted, running on nothing but fumes of adrenaline, and I’m only too happy to let someone else take over now that we’re relatively safe.
“Yeah, little Wisp. It’s me. I’ve got Kimmy and Leslie in here with me, Adam and Steve are outside. We caught ourselves a straggler, one that Adam took some interest in, so they’re making sure he’s properly restrained and gagged. Leslie got Greg’s message just before they received yours, so why don’t youlet me take Kieran so Greg can update Leslie, and Kimmy can help me get you both cleaned up, yeah?”
I relax my hold on Kieran only for Henley to swoop down and scoop him up into his bulky arms. Leslie offers Greg a hand and hauls him to his feet, and Kimberly approaches me with a blanket scrounged from God-knows where.
“As distasteful as they are, I think the best place to clean these two will be one of the surgical sets. We can set Kieran on the bed and use the sink to clean them both up. Once Leslie and Greg are done with their debrief, Leslie can come and take over from me while I go and perform my particular brand of electronic mischief—I mean, magic.”
I allow Kimberly to help me up and we follow Henley over to one of the trashed, yet still standing, surgical-torture sets. Kimberly sweeps her arm across the gurney, clearing it of an assortment of detritus that had been flung there during my rampage. She then spreads another blanket she’d been carrying over the surface.
“Clean his back, first. One of the guys carved the tracker out while we were driving here, and the wound needs seeing to. Greg and I did our best to clean it up, but it needs more attention than we could provide.”
Henley nods at my instruction, setting Kieran on top of the blanket in an upright position. He beckons me over to help him strip the other omega, and both of us wince at the state of his clothing. There’s no saving them, not with the amount of dried blood and sweat staining them. I wasn’t exactly concerned with where I hurled body parts when I tore through the alphas, and neither Greg nor Kieran were able to fully avoid the showers of gore from the bloody tornado I’d become.
“We’ll burn them once we’re done here. There’s a bag back in the car with a change of clothes for you both. We knew you’dbe naked, little Wisp, and were worried about what state Kieran would be in. I’m glad we came prepared.”
I remain silent as Kimberly returns with a bucket filled with warm water and a bed sheet torn into strips. I stand facing Kieran, my hands holding his as Kimberly and Henley gently wash him clean, studiously ignoring how bucket after bucket is changed out, the crimson-stained liquid replaced with fresh, clear water.
We do our best to clean Kieran, propping him up to stand rather than laying him down on the gurney. His back has stopped bleeding for the moment, and while we jostle him slightly as we move him into position, it’s not nearly as much as if he was reclining and needed to be rolled over.
By the time we’re done, Leslie and Greg have finished their discussion and joined us. Leslie’s carrying an open backpack, rummaging around inside as they approach. They pull out a small first-aid kit, nothing near the size of what we normally carry, and I realize the backpack itself is also unfamiliar.
“Okay, so Adam says that this kit, while not as extensive as ours, has the medications Kieran takes if he’s ever injured and isn’t able to access immediate medical attention. They should help to control any infections or viruses he may have contracted while in this bunch’s tender care, and there are also some heavy-duty antiseptic creams in here as well.”
Leslie passes the kit over to Henley, then gently nudges me to the side.
“Disa, darling, go clean yourself up while we take care of Kieran. There’s a full change of clothes for you both in the bag, as well as a hairbrush and some dry shampoo. You can have a proper shower once we’re home, but until then, go and wash. You’ll feel better for it.”
I turn and spy the bucket of clean water, a bar of travel soap, and several strips of clean cloth waiting for me a few feet away.Kimberly has toddled off with Greg to do whatever she needs to do, and I make a mental note to thank her later.
The sensationof feeling clean after being coated in drying blood and gore is almost orgasmic. My scalp still itches a little from the unclean state of my hair, but it can’t be helped. We have places to be that aren’t a blood-soaked crime scene, and thankfully Leslie has a clean-up crew on their way. Kimberly has scrubbed all the security feeds of any incriminating evidence, while Leslie and Greg downloaded all of the pertinent information they needed regarding this particular organization to a secure drive. Which Greg will be taking home with him.