“I won’t let them knot or bite you, Kieran. I can ignore their bark in this form. I’ll keep you safe, I promise.” The voice is so soft, so quiet, that I think I’m imagining things until another cooling caress brushes over my heated skin.
Wisp. She’s here. She heard me.
It’s enough to allow me to let go and surrender to my heat, the flames of want and need licking at my skin once more.
My heart shatters at the desperation in Kieran’s eyes, his golden orbs glazed over with lust and a need so deep it’s turned into pain. My own heat is rising once more, the battle between my burgeoning arousal and the need for control making my hold on my powers slip for a brief moment.
A brief moment is all it takes.
The door to Kieran’s cell slams open, Pyotr standing there glaring over his shoulder at an alarmed Greg, a disdainful sneer across the larger alpha’s lips. My form flickers between states, like a ghost in one of those horror movies that look like a television projection or something. But it’s enough to draw Pyotr's attention to where I’m standing protectively over Kieran.
“What the fuck is that?” Pyotr barks out, only to have Kieran moaning in response. I yank on my powers and disappear once more, but I remain between my fellow omega and the doorway.
Pyotr lifts his head and scents the room, inhaling deeply. Normally I’d allow him to suck me into his lungs beforesolidifying my hand and shredding his chest from the inside out, but with my ability on the fritz thanks to my oncoming heat, I don’t dare attempt my usual tactics.
“Fuck, it seems we’re a couple of lucky alphas today, Greg. There’s another omega in this room, and from the sweet smell of her perfume, she’s about to head into her heat as well.” The smile on Pyotr's face is chilling, and his purr sends shudders of loathing through my incorporeal form. “Where are you, little omega? Why don’t you stop hiding and come present for me, hmmm? I’ll knot your sopping pussy while Greg here fucks your throat, and you can swallow his cum like a good little omega cunt, yeah? We can all have ourselves a little fun while we watch Kieran there get what’s coming to him.”
I mentally clench down on my powers, wrestling my subconscious back under my control. I refuse to let Kieran down while he’s relying on me, and Iwill notlet this pathetic excuse for an alpha sully what I have kept for Henley all these years. Even if Adam joins our family and gives me his knot and bite later, Henley will be first. He’llalwaysbe first.
“Come, little omega, you don’t want to make me angry. I’m only too happy to tie you down as I fuck the disobedience out of your ass, and I won’t be gentle, either. Show yourself and present, now, unless you want an alpha train run on your ass.”
I continue to ignore Pyotr's demands, instead focusing on battling with my inner hussy who likes the idea of being restrained and fucked senseless.
Not unless it’s one of my chosen!I rail internally, determined to hold out for as long as possible.
“OMEGA! PRESENT!” Pyotr barks, and it startles me into flickering once more. However, it also causes Kieran to scramble to his knees, his chest and cheek resting against the thin mattress of his cot, his ass in the air and his legs spreadobscenely. His whine is high and needy, and it’s enough to snap me back in control, to flicker into nothingness once more.
The smile that appears on Pyotr's vicious face is not a nice one.
“Let me tell you how this is going to go, omega. You will fucking return back to your natural state, you will get on your knees, and you will worship my cock until I’m done. If you don’t, I’ll take it out on your little omega friend here. I’m not allowed to kill him, but there’s a lot Icando that will make him wish he was dead before I’m done. There are close to a dozen horny alphas out there desperate to stuff their knot into any available omega’s hole, and it won’t take much for them to tear his ass apart in their frenzy. Now, what will it be?”
Pyotr reaches over and grips Kieran’s throat in his enormous hand, his knuckles littered with white scars, a testament of his brutality.
He squeezes his fingers, digging into Kieran’s neck hard enough that I know there’ll be bruises later. Kieran gurgles as his windpipe is strangled, each breath a gasping wheeze as he tries to suck air into his oxygen-starved lungs.
I’m torn between holding firm and allowing Pyotr to knock Kieran out, and coalescing to prevent any further harm from landing on Kieran’s shoulders. The decision is taken from me when Kieran goes limp in Pyotr's hand and the alpha doesn’t stop his squeezing.
I loosen my hold on my powers enough that I’m tangible, yet not quite solid. I hold back a shudder of disgust as Pyotr leers over my naked body, licking his thin lips like I’m a treat laid out for his singular consumption and pleasure.
“Come here, omega,” Pyotr purrs at me, and I take a step forward. He releases Kieran—who crumples to the floor, unconscious—and reaches for me. I solidify fully as he grips my upper arms with both hands, pulling me toward him. I stumblewith exhaustion, desperately grasping for the last dregs of my energy so I can deal with this alpha, once and for all.
“Well, now, aren’t you the perfect morsel. You smell like a dessert bar, and from the warmth of your skin and the intensity of your perfume, I’d say you’re teetering on the cusp of your own heat, aren’t you? Get on your knees, little omega, and swallow my cock like a good girl, and I’ll fill your empty belly so full of my cum that you’ll be tasting me for weeks.”
I studiously avoid looking over at Kieran as Greg picks up the omega and silently removes him from the room. I don’t want to divert Pyotr's attention away from me, and he’s pissed me off enough that my wicked side—the one that revels in the pain and death of those I find deserving—has decided to come out and play.
“Do you know who I am, Pyotr? Do you know who I belong to?” I purr in return, curling my lip as he shudders at the huskiness in my voice. He tugs me in closer to his body, wrapping his arms around my torso and pressing his erection into my lower belly.
“Well, seeing as you’re in my arms, and possession is nine tenths of the law, then I’d say you belong to me. And as for who you are? Well, you’re mine, and that’s all that matters.”
I chuckle as the door to the room silently locks behind Greg, baring my teeth in challenge as I grin up at the smug, deluded alpha.
“Allow me to introduce myself,” I murmur, flickering between forms long enough to escape Pyotr's hold.
“I’m an omega of unknown pedigree. One who can vanish at the drop of a hat. This ability has allowed me to perfect the skills essential to my line of work—stealth, infiltration, and assassination. My employer is infamous for ending monsters. My colleagues and I are the boogeymen to those who wallow in the depths of evil and debauchery. We stalk you from theshadows, watch you as you sleep, and will end you without a second thought. I already have two alphas waiting to knot me at home, and you willneverput your diseased and pathetic cock near another omega again.”
Fury surges through my veins, its fire lending me strength and bolstering my waning energy. My ability surges as rage reverses the drain from my heat, instead powering me up like a supercharger. I reach my hand, nothing but air at this point, down and through Pyotr's jeans, surrounding his cock and balls. Fury floods my veins, lending me strength, and I reform my hand as I wrench and twist, tearing through the front of his jeans as I yank my fist away from Pyotr's body still holding his now-detached genitalia in my bloody palm.