Page 26 of Cause Of Death

“Best case scenario? Someone close to Taylor is using him to cover their tracks. Worst case scenario?” Leslie pauses to lean over and take Kieran’s hand from mine, squeezing it between their palms to soften the blow.

“Worst case scenario, he’s up to his neck in child trafficking and pornography, and possibly has material with Kieran in it. And I think Darla Prince is his partner.”

If I thoughtthat the earlier discussion had taken a while to cool, it has nothing on how long it has taken to calm Kieran down from his epic meltdown. Henley and I haul the omega back to the freshly remade nest, keeping him between us as Kimberlyand Steve tear strips from Leslie for not taking more care when shattering the poor man’s world. While Steve might be more intimidating in size, he hasnothingon Kimberly’s viciousness when she’s in protective mode, and she is full-on mama bear right now. She’ll probably end up edging and pegging Leslie later as punishment, although I don’t know if it cantrulybe considered a punishment if they enjoy it.

“I won’t say it’s okay, Kieran, because it’s not. What has happened to you,especiallyat the hands of those who are supposed to love and protect you, is unconscionable.” Henley rumbles, his purr vibrating in his chest. He has both of us cradled in his lap, and he’s rocking us back and forth in an attempt to soothe the man. I’m wrapped around Kieran like a koala joey, squeezing him as tightly as my arms will allow.

“We know that we can’t trust your mother or Taylor, and they have enough money in their pockets to buy the loyalty of those around you. What we need to figure out is, whocanwe trust?” I ask, voicing my own thoughts. “I truly believe that both Adam Knight and your father have nothing to do with the scheme, despite your father’s closeness to the two. Everything I’ve seen, all the background information I’ve been provided on you and your family indicates that your father loves you and would never hurt you.”

“Dad loves me, and only wants me to be happy. I know if I shared my choice in alpha with him, Dad would move heaven and earth to make it so.” Kieran whispers from where he’s tucked his face into Henley’s chest. He may have stopped crying for the moment, but his voice is still drenched with sorrow and heartbreak. “Adam? Adam wouldn’t hurt me. While we’ve never spoken about it, I’ve always believed him to be my alpha. He might be paid to protect me, but his actions go way beyond those of a bodyguard executing his duty. You saw how he was withme, didn’t you, Angel? Am I wrong in thinking he has a claim on me?”

I stroke my hands up and down along Kieran’s spine, placating him with my touch.

“As I said, I truly believe Adam can be trusted, and no, you’re not wrong, Kieran. I think Adam sees you as his omega, whether he’s conscious of that or not. You didn’t see him trying to get to you after the accident, the fear and anguish on his face when he couldn’t reach you. That man is wholly incapable of causing you harm or distress, and not just because of your designation.”

“Do you think, if offered, that Adam would be willing to meet up with one of us somewhere and come and join you for your heat? Will he behave as a bonded alpha with his omega, giving you everything you’re sure to beg for, and not regret it or hold it against you later? And if hedoescome for your heat, do you think he’d be open to helping with Wisp’s, and allowing the others to help with yours in turn? Or is he the type of alpha who becomes insanely possessive and territorial during a heat? And what about you, Kieran? Wouldyouwant to become part of our pack, or would you prefer it to be just you and Adam?”

These are all good questions, some of them being ones that only another alpha would think to ask.

Kieran gives Henley’s questions their due consideration, and we remain quiet while he thinks.

“I believe… Ihope… that if Adam is given the opportunity to be here for my heat, he will come. I know if I ask my father, he will make sure that Adam is here, one hundred percent. I’m not entirely sure about him being regretful afterward, but if he has my father’s blessing, I think that might help him overcome any lingering hesitancy. As for Wisp’s heat? I don’t know. That would be up to him. He’s an honorable alpha, and I’d like to think he wouldn’t want to see another omega struggling, but I’ve never seen him during a heat or a rut. He came on boardafter my first heat, and I’ve been on suppressants because of my P.I.D.D. ever since.”

Kieran falls silent for another moment, before hesitantly venturing forth with an answer that could change everything.

“I… this is probably gonna sound weird, but I trust you guys. I think that Wisp is alluring as all get-up, and what I woke up to this morning was hot as hell. I like Kimberly and Leslie, and while I don’t know if I want to fuck them yet, I also don’t feel shy or avoidant around them. Steve has that really sexy Viking lumberjack thing going for him, which makes me want to climb him like a tree. So yeah, if the offer to join this pack is on the table, I’m interested if you are, and can only hope Adam feels the same way.”

“Well, we won’t know until we ask. So, first of all let’s get back out and rescue Leslie from Kimmy’s ire. Then they can work their magic and sort out the best way to get Adam here. While they’re doing that, you and Wisp work on a list of things you’ll both need for your upcoming heat. I don’t care if we already have the items, it won’t hurt none to double up on them. Steve and I can try and sort out food for us all, because I have a feeling we’re all feeling a little hangry after skipping breakfast, and we’re never reasonable when our stomachs are empty.”

Daddy Henley is back in the house.

God, that man is so sexy when he takes charge.

He’s gone.

My omega, my best friend, the man I hoped to one day make mine, is gone.

And I’m the one to blame.

One minute we’re driving back from a meeting with Edgar and Fernando Milan, a doctor who specializes in gene therapy and manipulation, the next thing I know a cargo van is slamming into the front of our SUV. Somehow, in the noise and chaos of the accident, Kieran disappeared.

I guess I should feel grateful that the only life lost was the driver of the van that collided with me, but I can’t find it in myself to do so. Brody is in a critical condition, and from the extent of his injuries it’s unlikely he’ll ever be able to take on another security detail, at least not one with the same level of risk or requisite physicality.

As for myself, I escaped with a broken arm, bruising, and lacerations to my head and legs. A couple of them were severeenough to expose the bone underneath, but lucky for me—and yes, thatissarcasm dripping from my tone—my super-secret special ability is accelerated healing and regeneration. It’s why I chose a career in the security industry in the first place. So, while it’ll still take a week or two for the bones in my arm to knit together properly, I’ve avoided a hard cast, and my other injuries are in the end stages of healing.

Edgar insisted that I be released into his care, and to my everlasting relief, Darla isn’t present when we arrive back at the family house in Pacific Heights. Instead, she’s ensconced in the more modern and recently purchased house in Clarendon Heights. While the newer house is impressive and could be considered more private, I’ve always preferred the dramatic elegance of the one in Pacific Heights.

I’ve been given the guest bedroom that faces the front of the house, as it’s the closest to the elevator and also has its own private bathroom. Guilt burns away at my stomach over the preferential treatment I’m being shown, even though I know that Brody and the other security team are also being well-looked after.

Just not in Edgar Prince’s private home.

“Adam, enough with the sulking already. I don’t blame you for Kieran’s abduction, despite how others may feel about it all.” Edgar strides into the library where I retreated earlier to lick my wounds. He sits in the armchair opposite the one I’m settled in, leaning forward and staring me directly in the eyes. With skin tanned from the sun and hazel eyes instead of gold, he’s like staring at an older version of Kieran. My heart aches from my loss.

“From what I’ve heard and seen of the accident, you did everything in your power to ensure Kieran remained unscathed, and you physically couldn’t prevent his removal from your protection. If I was going to be angry with anyone from yourteam, it would be the men in the SUV behind you. But they were incapacitated as well, so all we can do is hope and pray that Kieran is alive, and safe for the moment. They targeted you and took him for a reason, and my guess is that it revolves around money.That,I have plenty of, and will happily part with if it means I’ll get my son back in one piece.”

I don’t respond, the self-loathing and contempt too strong for me to speak with any semblance of equanimity.

Minutes pass with neither Edgar or myself speaking to break the quiet, when it’s suddenly shattered by Arankai’sPaint It Blackblasting from my cell. Frowning, I pull the device from my pocket and stare in confusion at the lack of phone number on the screen, instead the word “Private” lighting up the display.