Page 25 of Cause Of Death

“Because of the nature of Polar, it’sheavilydiscouraged to simply cease taking the prescribed dosage. If an omega does skip or miss a day or more, one of several things could occur. The best case is a rapid-onset heat. Depending on how long they’ve been taking Polar directly impacts on how intense their heat will be, as well as the duration. There could be other complications with blood pressure, a higher risk of blood clots and embolismsforming, and these range from moderate to fatal in severity. There’s also the body’s withdrawal symptoms to deal with. Most omegas who suddenly stop taking Polar are hospitalized and sedated until their bodies can stabilize on their own. So, yeah. We’re in deep shit.”

Henley’s skin turns ashen at this news, and Steve doesn’t look well, either. Leslie is gnawing on their lower lip in their trademark tell, their mind likely racing over any and all possible solutions to our newest problem. Kimberly continues to nuzzle over Kieran’s back, and the omega is keening softly in distress.

“I think we’re going to be lucky,” I muse, smiling sadly at the group as they turn to look at me in astonishment at my words. I point to Kieran, then back to myself, explaining my thoughts before my family can respond.

“My heat shouldn’t be close to arriving at all, yet I’m showing early signs of its approach. We have a full accompaniment to deal with a heat, which hasn’t occurred since Henley enlisted over a decade ago. We’re in a safe, secure location with a nest.” I spread my arms and shrug. “By the rapid decline in my own medication’s protections, I’d hazard a guess that Kieran’s about to go through one mother of a heat, which is probably going to set me off as well. I also wouldn’t be surprised if it sends Henley into a rut.”

I stare up into Henley’s dark eyes, projecting assurance and acceptance as I finally give him the answer he’s been waiting for.

“I don’t know if I have it in me to deny Henley, not now. Not any more. So, he’s going to be knotting and biting at least one omega, which willguaranteeHen going through a mating rut. That will then send me and Kieran spiraling, and I don’t think any of us—” I look pointedly at Kieran, seeing comprehension dawn across his face, “will have the strength or desire in the moment to prevent Hen from knotting or biting Kieran as well, and bringing him into our family.”


I’ve shocked my family into silence with my hypothesis. But I’m not finished.

“Really, there’s only two questions left to ask.”

The silence is shattered by the gravelly rumble of Henley’s voice, still vibrating with his purr.

“And what questions are they, little Wisp?”

My eyes meet his in both challenge and acceptance.

“First of all, how does Kieran feel about joining this pack? And secondly, how does this pack feel about having two alphas to go along with their two omegas?”

The discussionthat had followed my question had been heated, to say the least. Interestingly enough, most of the protests came from Steve, not that he was truly opposed to the possibility. I think he was more playing the devil’s advocate. It was Leslie who put a stop to the arguments, their face a rigid mask of tension and anger.

“I know who ‘bought’ Kieran.”

Well, that’soneway to shut everyone up.

“I’ve had my people working on tracking down the accounts and addresses that Disa was able to discover thanks to her ‘little chat’ with the sigmas who abducted Kieran. We knew they were part of the dark web, although not who they were or why they wanted Kieran in particular. Well, now I do. And the information I’ve received is completely fucked, if I’m honest.”

Leslie gestures for us all to exit the kitchen, breakfast forgotten as we’re ushered over to the dining table. Once we’reall seated, Leslie opens Pandora’s Box, and I know that Kieran’s life will never be the same again.

“Kieran, before we get into details, I have a question for you regarding the upper echelons of the Prince family and business. Is that okay?”

Kieran, sitting between me and Henley, snuggles into the alpha’s broad chest and reaches for my hand. Once he’s content with our touch, he nods.

“What can you tell me about Taylor Pinter?”

Kieran blinks, then blinks again. His mouth opens and closes without any sound emerging, and I squeeze his hand in solidarity.

“Uh… Taylor is Dad’s best friend, has been since they met in college. He was Dad’s best man at my parents’ wedding. He’s the CFO for the branch of the Royal Empire dedicated to homewares and furnishings. He’s been a massive part of my family and life since before I was born and is also the person who would have raised me if anything had happened to my parents before I became an adult.” Kieran’s expression turns wary, and he twists his body toward Henley’s as if to shield himself from impact. “Why do you ask?”

Leslie ignores Kieran’s question to ask another. And another. And another.

“How close are he and your mother? Was there ever a time in your life when you spent time alone with Taylor, or with him and your mother? Especially in your early years?”

I can see the writing on the wall, and my heart aches for the pain and anguish that Leslie is about to deliver.

“Uh, yeah. Dad was away a lot when I was really young, he was busy building on Grandpa’s successes, expanding the company and such. He knew he could trust Uncle Taylor to be there for Darla and me. It wasn’t until I was around seven or eight that I remember Dad spending more time at home, andthen any business trips he had to take were only a day or two in length, and Uncle Taylor went with him. Again,why do you ask?”

Leslie doesn’t say anything for a few seconds. When they finally do speak, their words shatter whatever composure Kieran has remaining.

“While the contract for your sale doesn’t appear to have come from Taylor himself, the offshore bank accounts can be traced back to him. Same with the originating IP addresses. While it’s mostly circumstantial evidence at this stage, more and more information is coming in that doesn’t paint him in the most sympathetic of lights. It’s also becoming apparent that he has a partner, there’s a link between them and the person who put out the contract on you.”

“What does this mean, Leslie? Stop beating around the bush and justtellus,” Henley growls as he snuggles Kieran tighter into his arms.