Adam: I’d like that. I just have to make sure Dylan’s sitter is free.
Me: Oh, of course. Well, I’ll let you get back to your work.
Adam: You don’t have to be shy Emily.
Me: I can’t help it. It’s who I am.
Adam: Hopefully one day you won’t be so shy around me.
How does he say all the right things?
Me: Goodnight, Adam.
Adam: Goodnight, Emily.
“Good morning, class.”
“Good morning, Ms. Bailey,” they chant back.
I walk around to the front of the classroom. It’s the day before Thanksgiving break and the kids are restless. As are us teachers.
“Since today is a short day, let’s start off with what we’re going to be doing tomorrow. Anyone wanna start?” A show of little arms shoots up and I pick on a student.
Her response is rambled as she tells me all of the food she plans to eat. I nod my head and widen my eyes when appropriate knowing she’ll only get a sliver of what she thinks she’ll eat. Kids have the wildest imaginations. It’s why I love teaching at this grade level.
With it being a half day I only have my kids for a few hours. Why the school district tortures us instead of giving us the day before Thanksgiving off, I’ll never understand.
I put on a movie for the rest of the time we’re at school. It’s an easy way for the kids to be entertained and for me to get a head start on grading.
I’ve timed it correctly because early dismissal happens a couple of minutes after the movie ends.
“Have a great Thanksgiving break you guys,” I declare as I walk to the door and open it. The chatter from the hallway filters in the room. “I’ll see you next Monday,” I tell my students as they walk out of the classroom.
I get to work on putting my classroom in order, so it’s less work I have to do next week. Arranging the desks in a new quad pattern keeps my kids engaged and it’s fun for me to see which little personalities mesh or clash.
A knock on my door halts my rearrangement. “Hey, are you headed out soon?”
Turning, I see Melissa with her tote over her shoulder and her purse and water bottle in her opposite hand. Looking at my watch I see an hour has passed me by.
“Yeah. I’m gonna finish up here. Are you staying here for the break?” As I ask her this, I realize I have to decide if I’m gonna stay here with my girls or go home to a not-so-pleasant Thanksgiving with my parents.
Melissa shifts her weight to the other side of her body. “I think so. Jeff and I were talking about heading to Chicago to spend it with his family. But something about not having to beat the holiday traffic sounds more appealing to me. So we’ll see. What about you?”
“I’m not sure yet. I try to avoid going home as much as possible.” Going home means seeing James' family's house and not seeing him. But it also means I get to be a little closer to him.
“I understand that. Well, have a good break and I’ll see you on Monday.”
Melissa takes a couple backward steps and I follow her to the threshold of my door. I watch her walk off before I deduce that I’ve done what I can to prepare for next week. So I pack up my things and make the drive back home.
“Hey, buddy. How was school?”
With Dylan being out early I had to work my schedule around for him since Jenny is taking her final exam. My assistant general manager informed me she wouldn’t be returning following her maternity leave so I got to hiring a new assistant. He started a couple of weeks ago and with the holiday causing a lull, I know he’s more than capable of handling the restaurant.
His little legs scramble up to the barstool at our kitchen counter. “It was fun. Ms. Bailey asked us how much food we’re gonna eat and then she let us watch a movie.”
My heart skips a little at the mention of Emily. Dylan is still too young to understand anything about girls and crushes. At least I hope he is. When his Mom walked out, I did what I could to shield him from the abandonment. Chelsea and I may not have been written in the stars, but I always wanted my son to have his Mom around.