Page 59 of The Night We Met

I’m surrounded by some of my sorority sisters, classmates, and football players as we cheer on our team.

“You’re not superstitious?” Why I’ve never asked Liam this I have no clue. I’m straddling his backside as I massage his back and shoulders. He doesn’t need me to do this, but I love spoiling him.

A moan slips free as I dig into a tight spot. “Shit. Um, not really. At least I never thought I was.”

“Any pre-game rituals?”

“Does stretching count?”

I slide my thumbs down his back with enough pressure that he squirms. “Baby. But no, stretching doesn’t count. I would hope you did that before and after every game.” I pay a little extra attention to his pitching arm before placing a kiss on his shoulder and sliding off next to him. “Are you nervous for this game?”

Liam, still laying on his stomach, turns his face to me. “Not as nervous as I should be. Granted this is the game that determines our division spot. It’ll help with you watching.”

“You’re such a mush.” Pushing his hair back from his eyes, I lean forward and press a kiss to the corner of his mouth.

“Are you happy, Kam?” Liam asks. It’s not unusual for him to ask me this.

“The happiest.” Is as honest a response as I can give him.

A squeal pops free as Liam pulls my body to his. I lose my breath as he tackles my body with tickles. Only when I’m sputtering and begging for mercy does he stop. And what he does after, makes me forget that we were talking about his nerves and what this game means.

My gaze tracks Liam’s every movement as he walks to the back of the pitcher's circle. He’s up in the count with only a runner on second and two outs. The score is up in our favor, so this should be the final inning.

I’ve asked Liam if he can hear certain people in the crowd. He claims he shuts out everything. Which is why he’s been so successful at this game. I do wish the scouts took notice of him though. He’s been beating himself up that not one has reached out. As his girlfriend, I do what I can to alleviate his worry.

“Here we go Liam. You got this babe!” I watch his deep inhale and the pull back of his shoulders before he steps up to the rubber. He told me that would be his sign that heheard me. In a sold out crowd, knowing that he heard my voice brings warmth to my body.

Liam gets the sign from Chance, places his fingers on the ball that’s hidden in his glove, and does his wind-up sending the ball towards home plate. I hold my breath, along with the rest of the crowd, as I wait for the ball to reach Chance’s glove. The smack of the ball to his catcher’s glove and the resounding “Strike three” from the umpire has the crowd going wild.

Cheering along with my friends and the crowd, I watch from the outfield as the team rushes Liam. This game was huge for them. While Liam said he wasn’t nervous, I noticed him triple check his bag before he left for the field. Which he’s never done since I knew him.

Our school fight song plays from the speakers as we watch our boys celebrate on the field. They make their way to the outfield where the majority of the student body is congregated to bask in the cheers. Liam and I magnetize our way to each other, stopping at the outfield fence.

“I’m so proud of you,” No other words could explain how I feel for him and the team.

He links our fingers together through the fence. “Thank you baby. Are you going to wait around or head back to the house?”

My eyebrows scrunch in confusion. “You’re not going out to celebrate?”

“I’d rather celebrate with you.”

“Deal.” I lean up on my tiptoes to give him a kiss through the fence.

Liam gives me another look before walking back over to his team. Seeing his happiness for this game makes my happiness his. Laughing to myself as he jumps on the guys I make my way back to Sarah and our group.

“You two are staying in to celebrate, aren’t you?” Sarah surmises as I link my arm through hers.

I give her a ‘duh’ look. As much as I love being out with friends, I love staying in with Liam even more.

May 2014

“Can you guys believe that we’re graduating today?” Sarah asks our group before we have to line up.

“I didn’t think I’d graduate,” I say in all honesty. I won’t dwell on that time during college. We know how bad it was for me.

Liam wraps his arm around my shoulder and kisses my temple. “But you are. And I am too. And so is Chance.”

“You’re right. Thank you, baby,” I say and lean up to place a kiss on his lips.