Page 60 of The Night We Met

“Alright graduates, time to line up.” One of the professors says.

“I’ll see you after,” Liam says and kisses me quickly.

“Of course.”

Walking towards the art and fashion department has me feeling all out of sorts. I still didn’t think I’d graduate on time. Let alone not as a psychology major. I didn’t think Liam and I would be friends again, let alone dating. But it’s been so easy with him. These last nine months have been more than I could’ve ever imagined. He was my best friend before all of it. And now we get to go live our lives together for the time being.

“I’m so happy I met you here.” Nina says when we get set up in the processional. She was one of the first fashion majors to befriend me. I was worried that jumping into a group so soon, I’d be ostracized. She was even one of my champions for when I skipped the intro level classes.

“So am I. Let’s stay in touch okay? We could definitely help each other out.”

“Of course.” She says and hugs me.

While the last couple of years may have been the most challenging, it has been memorable beyond words.

“Nina Jade Ratner.” The speaker calls. I clap for my friend as she gets her “diploma”

“Kamryn Michelle Rawlins.” The speaker calls for me. “Thank you.” I say as I grab my “diploma” and shake hands with the president of the school. I look up in the stands to see mine and Liam’s families cheering for me.

Later after the ceremony I head off in search of our family’s since they sat together. While I’m en route to my family, I have several professors stop me to tell me about internships. I promised I’d email them all. With this praise from professor’s I now consider friends, I’m confident that I made the right choice with my newer major.

When I make my way through the throng of other families celebrating their graduates, I see my boisterous group. “Congratulations!!” I’m bombarded with hugs and handed flowers and leis and more hugs and enough kisses on my cheek to last a lifetime.

“A picture of you and Liam!” My mom tosses out.

“Where is Liam?” I ask looking around. I didn’t think he was too far behind me, but he’s garnered a following from being the starting pitcher.

“I’m sure he’ll be around soon. Let’s just take one of you, Kamryn.”

I won’t say no to that. I hold up my diploma frame and myflowers.

“Taking pictures without me huh?” Liam says in my ear.

“Of course not. You’re just on time.” I say and turn around to look up at him. “I’m so happy we’re here Liam. Even after everything. We started here and now we’re ending here. Together.”

It’s been a wild four years. So many ups and downs. But one thing I am eternally grateful for is finishing college with my best friend.

“I love you,” Liam tells me. Since I opened the floodgates in December, he says those three words every chance he can.

“I love you too,” I smile up at him and lean up on my toes to press a kiss to his mouth. I intend for it to be a quick kiss, but Liam grabs the back of my head to intensify it. Slipping his tongue inside eliciting a moan from me.

“Okay! Okay! Enough of that!” Jax says, breaking us out of our kiss.

The rest of the afternoon passes by without a hitch. We took as many pictures as we could with our families and friends. When the space began clearing out, we went to the obligatory graduation celebration dinner. Our parents began the embarrassing tale of when they first noticed the crushes we had on each other. The walk down memory lane is great, but it has me itching for the future.

Settling into Liam’s side and playing with his hand that’s linked in mine, I look around at our families. How meshing them together was seamless and effortless. Liam’s chest rumbles under my cheek and a smile pulls at my lips. I didn’t know how much I'd come to love the sound of his laugh. He’s my breath of fresh air and what I never knew I needed. I can’t wait for the rest of our life together.

“Are you ready to head back up north?” I ask him as we put the last box in the back of his truck.

“Yeah. Are you ready to live together?” Liam challenges back.

“Of course. I’ve put up with you since we were seven. What’s the rest of my life?”

Liam chuckles before pulling me towards him. We managed to find an apartment not too far out of the city. It’s a nice two-bedroom with a workout facility and pool, gate access and assigned parking. Our parents decided to help us out for the first year with rent as we both get on our feet. We were both more than willing to move back home but they insisted it was time for us to start this journey as soon as possible.

“Very funny. I’ll see you in about ten hours, Ms. Rawlins.”

“That you will, Mr. Taylor.” I kiss him hard before pushing away and jumping into my car.