Page 17 of The Night We Met


Next Saturday

“Sarah! I really don’t feel like going to a party tonight!” I protest and go back to the history homework spread out on my bed.

My outgoing roommate has been pestering me all week about the back-to-school party. Apparently, it’s a can’t miss and all the who’s-who is going to be there.

I’ve never been a big partier. That and crowds just don’t mix well for me.

“Kamryn! I am begging you! This could be our in. Find some really cute guys and keep them on our regular rotation.” Sarah looks close to dropping on her knees and begging for me to go to this party with her.

It’s been a full week since classes started and we’ve bonded better than I could have hoped for. Which is still odd for me. But Sarah wormed her way into my life and wouldn't give up.

When I haven’t been with Liam or in class, Sarah and I have taken to roommate bonding. Movie nights with manicures and pedicures to screaming at the top of our lungs to Ashlee Simpson’sPieces of Me. With our fun, we also haveour serious; with mandatory studying for one-hour every night. Apparently studying excludes the weekends.

I weigh my pros and cons, because what eighteen-year old doesn’t? Can you sense my sarcasm?

I could go and be social, or I could be a hermit for the rest of the year. As well as continue my arrangement with Liam. Who I haven't heard from in over a week. Am I a little hurt that he’s completely ignored me? Of course I am. This was the main reason why I never wanted him and I to hookup or date. The possibility that our friendship could end was too great of a risk to take. But I could either mope or go out.

I relent with a sigh. “What are we wearing?”

She shrieks so loud I fear my eardrums are going to burst. She immediately heads to my closet and picks out my favorite pair of jeans with holes strategically placed, a flowy white off-the-shoulder shirt all paired with gold earrings and brown sandals.

“Remind me again, why you’re not at Parsons or any other fancy fashion school.”

Sarah groans extra loud. “My parents want me to choose areasonablecareer. They don’t think that fashion or design is it. I even reminded them that they came to me all the time for opinions on what they wore to work.”

“So what is your major? I don’t think I’ve asked you that yet.”

“Sports Management. Well, business but my main concentration would be Sports Management. If I can’t be a designer, I’d rather be a kick ass sports agent.”

I take her in. “So how does you wanting to be a designer veer to sports management?”

“Long story short, my parents are both entertainment lawyers. They never tell me the nitty gritty of what theiractual job is because of the confidentiality of it all. But I know they work in the entertainment side: celebrities, athletes, and some politicians. I do commend them for being as present as they could be. They were around when I needed them. We spent holidays and birthdays together. But being an only child to two lawyers whose careers were important to them, made my childhood lonely. I think they took note of that. Which, again, is why they did their best to be present parents. They had a family friend take me on their work day and he’s in the sports management business. I don’t know. Something about that day just clicked.”

I watch her face as she talks about the clients he introduced her to. How when he was talking to his athletes he wasn’t belittling them. He cared about their future.

“You and Liam should talk. I know he’d love to go to the MLB.” I say to her, “It’s his dream and if he already has an agent, it’d be much easier for him.”

“Let’s wait a few years for that Kam.” A blush takes over her whole body.

“Alright, alright. I guess I’ll shower and get to work.”

“Yay!! We’re gonna have so much fun Kamryn.” Sarah announces.

I laugh all the way to the showers. It’s never a dull moment around her. As boisterous as she is around me I’ve noticed how shy she is around others. But the mask she throws on fools even me sometimes.

Getting ready for my first college party should have me elated. But something nags at me. Nothing goes right. From finding an outfit, to my hair…to Liam.

Sarah helps me out with an outfit, but tells me my hair is my own problem. I don’t blame her. Despite being in the south for almost a month, I still haven’t gotten used to the humidity trying to revive my curly hair. From the time Icould learn, I had been straightening my hair so I wouldn’t have to deal with it.

Taming my curls to a beautiful blowout helped take the hassle off of getting ready. But when I decided to come to school here, I told my mom I’m going to attempt to get my natural hair back. And while it’s not at it’s full curl strength, it has waves and falls just to the middle of my back. So I work with that and finish the process of getting ready.

Me: Hey, I know you’re probably busy, but Sarah and I are going to that big back-to-school party.

Liam: Some of the guys and I are going.

His first response in a week is that? Looking back on the unresponded-to messages makes me feel like a fool.