Page 18 of The Night We Met

Is this how it’s going to be? Maybe it’s a good thing we haven’t seen each other. I shake off Liam’s sour response and fluff my hair a few more times before checking over my makeup.

Our one-hour time limit to get ready turned into two-hours before Sarah and I are walking arm-in-arm down the street towards the party. In college they never say when exactly the party starts. People just start showing up with beer, liquor, and a kick-ass soundtrack.

By the time we’re half a block away, we already pass some sorority girl who’s crying with the support from her “sisters” and I have a momentary freak out that that’s how my life is going to turn out.

“Promise that won’t be us.” Sarah says to me when we’re past them.

“Thank god you thought the same thing. I promise. 100%.” I say linking our pinkies in a promise.

We continue walking and pass guys that I’m assuming are on the basketball team. It’s not so much of an assumption as it is them standing next to the basketball hoop at the end of the driveway. And they’re taller than your average college guy that doesn’t play a sport.

I turn to look at Sarah and see that she’s got her jaw unhinged. I politely push it back up.

“I can give you a moment. I’m sure Liam is around here somewhere.” I say taking some humor in the fact that she’s going goo-goo over basketball players.

“I’ll text you when I’m inside.” Sarah says as she sashays towards the group.

I watch her walk away and pull out my phone to text Liam.

Me: I’m at the party.

Liam: Come out back and I’ll get you a drink.

With a look back at Sarah and seeing that she’s happily occupied, I take a cleansing breath and walk through the house and to the back. My first thought is WOW! My second is why couldn’t this house have a side entryway leading to the backyard? The scent of sweat, Axe body spray, and Chanel No. 5 permeates the air. Not the best combination for a group of young adults, but it works.

I finally find Liam after being knocked around by all of the grinding and writhing of bodies in the house.

“Kamryn!” Liam says when he spots me.

I walk over to him and his team and am greeted with hugs all around.

The weirdness is present as I settle next to Liam with my arm around his waist and his arm around my shoulders.He places a kiss on the top of my head before going back to his conversation.

I’ve been trying to wrap my mind around the shift in our relationship…no friendship. Was I ever asked why he and I never took that next step? All of the time. I’m not sure if it was because our parents were friends, or some cosmic occurrence that kept us from crossing that line back then. But now, I’m still not quite sure either of us is ready to wipe away that line in the sand and crossover into something more.

Was the sex with him good? It was the best I ever had. Being with Liam would require more than just mind-blowing sex. With his lack of communication this past week it’s not off to a great start.

Maybe Sarah is right and that I do need to meet someone else. I’ve given her a rundown on our friendship and all that’s happened since we came to college. All I’ve truly known is Liam’s friendship. If this last week with him brushing me off is any indication, then my feelings need to be squashed.

They say the best way to get over a possible situationship is to get under someone else. I’m not holding out hope that he and I could ever be more. Okay, maybe it sparked to life a little during our arrangement. Call it an orgasm high. As I give it more thought, maybe it’s possible that Liam and I only have physical chemistry. Not relationship chemistry.

My phone buzzing in my back pocket pulls me from my warring thoughts.

Sarah: Meet me in the garage. I want you to meet someone.

Talk about a sign.

Me: Give me 5 minutes.

I tap Liam on the hip to give him a heads-up.

He lowers his head down to my ear. “What’s up?”

“I’m gonna go meet up with Sarah.” I pull back a little to see his brows furrowed.

“You want me to go with you?”

More distance will do us both some good. “No. You stay. I’ll see you later.”