“I added you on a few more days next week. You can check out the schedule tomorrow.” He still doesn’t move out of my way, and I don’t understand why. “Look, I know it’s none of my business, but do you have something going on with Greg?”
I snort, lifting my hand to my mouth as I start to giggle. “Sorry.”
I wave my hand at him as I attempt to get myself under control. Once I’ve stopped laughing, I shake my head. “Nope, boss. We’re just friends.”
“Just friends? Like I haven’t heard that before.” He grins at me. “Sorry to ask. It’s just that he’s new and while I trust him with being security at the club, I don’t know him well enough to not worry about him dating one of you.”
“That’s sweet, Harrison, but I don’t have time for dating right now anyway. If I did, I wouldn’t date someone I worked with.” I pat him on his chest. “You don’t have to worry about me, I promise.”
He nods. “Yeah. Okay. Let’s get out of here so you can get home.”
We head out the back entrance that leads to the employee parking lot. I step out first, and Harrison checks to make sure the door locks behind him.
“Just friends, hmmmm?” Harrison murmurs.
Frowning, I follow his line of sight to see Greg leaning against his car right next to mine. “Don’t be an ass. He wanted to talk to me about something. I’m starving so I thought we’d go to eat while we talked. That’s all.”
While most of that is not what Greg agreed to, it’s what’s going to happen. My stomach is growling loud enough that Harrison is side-eyeing me as he fights back a laugh.
“Whatever. I’m going to get some food. I’ll see you tomorrow night.” I wave at Harrison over my shoulder as I walk to my car.
“You can come in early if you want. We’ll squeeze you in a half-hour break so you can eat something.”
Grinning, I glance over my shoulder at him. “You’ve got yourself a deal. I’ll be in at five, if that works for you?”
“Works for me. Have a good night, Mackenzie.”
“You too!”
Greg says nothing as I approach, moving directly to my car door. “I’m starving. How do you feel about talking over some food at Betty’s?”
“I do love Betty’s.” He grins. “I’ll meet you there.”
It’s about a fifteen-minute drive to the diner, but it’s late enough that it’s pretty empty. We’ve managed to miss the bar crowd, but it’s still too early for the early-morning diners.
We settle into a booth in the corner and place our orders before I pull out the card he gave me, noticing for the first time that there’s an email address listed. But nothing else. That’s weird. “What is A Night to Remember Auction?”
“It’s an annual auction that’s been going on for years. It’s very hush-hush. The only way to hear about it is by word of mouth, and there are rules about who you can mention it to.” Greg sighs.“I’m just going to get this out. It’s an auction where people buy a weekend with the merchandise. Which are men and women who are scouted out or who are recommended by a past client. The club it’s held at caters to the wealthy. Everyone signs an NDA and background checks are run on both the clients and the merchandise. It’s extremely safe.”
An auction to buy people for a weekend? For what? Sex? It has to be sex, right? My mouth drops open, and I want to give him a piece of my mind, but he hurries to continue speaking.
“Before you yell at me, they pay the merchandise five hundred grand.”
That has me pausing. “Five hundred thousand dollars to spend a weekend with whoever purchases you? I’m not reading between the lines incorrectly, am I? They buy you for sex, right?”
He nods. “Generally speaking, yes. The auction is next month. If you’re interested, email a picture of the card to the email address on the card. They need proof that you were actually invited. They’ll tell you everything you need to know. And now that I’ve told you about it and given you the card, I won’t speak about it again. You have my word on it.”
“Yeah. Okay. I’ll think about it.” I slide the card into my purse. “I don’t know if this is something I would even be interested in, but I appreciate you telling me about it.”
The waitress arrives with our food then, and we drop the subject. But I can’t stop thinking about it. Can I sell myself to the highest bidder for five hundred grand?
Part of me screams no, but the logical part knows this is my best bet at making the money I need to keep the house.
Chapter Four