“What were you talking to Harrison about?” Heather asks, and I smile.
Heather is nosy as hell, but she’s also a locked vault when it comes to everyone’s secrets. I can only imagine the things she knows about the dancers, our clients, and probably even Harrison. There’s just something about the pretty brunette that makes you want to open up to her. I’ve done it on more than a few occasions myself.
“I was asking if he’d be able to throw any more shifts my way.” I sigh, leaning against the bar. I can spare five minutes to chat with her before cleaning up behind the bar. There were two of us tonight, and we’d usually split the cleaning and closing up between the two of us, but Gemma’s sitter needed her home and there was no one else to watch her kids. So I offered to take care of it. It’ll take longer than usual, but that means more time I’m being paid, so I can’t complain too much.
“My parents’ estate has finished in probate, and if I want to keep the house, I have to come up with two hundred thousand dollars by the end of next month. They refuse to work with me on a payment plan since my credit is practically non-existent. On top of that, I was let go from my day job. They’re downsizing and I ended up on the cutting block. I need to be able to pay my bills while looking for a new job, hence needing more hours here.”
“Holy shit, girl! That’s insane.” She shakes her head. “If you really need to make some money, you might want to consider becoming one of us. I know you guys make good money for what you do, but there are weekends I clear ten grand in tips. They’renot all like that, but a couple of grand is the usual amount. We already know you keep them coming to the bar. It’s that innocent face you have, plus the banging body. You could make bank.”
She makes a face. “Maybe not two hundred grand in a little over a month, but you could put a dent in that. You might have to give up the house, but you’d be able to afford a new place. It wouldn’t be terrible. You already get along with the dancers, so I’m sure they’d all love to see you out here with us.”
“I don’t know about that. Do you remember how much I fought wearing the damn booty shorts when I started?” I snort, shaking my head. “I don’t know if I can do what you all do. It’s not a bad idea, but what if I suck at it? Then I’m screwed because Harrison would’ve already replaced me.”
Heather giggles. “I doubt you’d suck at it. You’re always dancing behind the bar, so I know you have rhythm. I’d totally work with you, and I’m sure some of the other girls would too. It’s just an idea, but there are worse ways to make money.”
With a smile and wink, Heather saunters off toward the dressing rooms, leaving me blinking after her for a moment. Shaking my head, I focus on getting shit done.
Me? A stripper?
I just can’t imagine it.
“Hey, Mackenzie.” A gruff voice draws my attention to the new bouncer. He’s only been here for about a month, but he’s so damn nice. It doesn’t hurt that he’s hot as hell. If I wasn’t drowning in life right now, I’d consider sleeping with him. Sadly, stress isn’t great for my libido.
“Hey, Greg!” I shoot him a smile without stopping what I’m doing. One five-minute break is acceptable, but two are not. “How was your night?”
He grunts, shrugging. “I didn’t have to throw anyone out, so that’s a win.”
I laugh, nodding my head. There are some nights when security has had to throw half the people in the club out.
“I know you’re busy, and I apologize, but I overheard what you were telling Heather.” He grimaces when my gaze darts up to meet his. “I didn’t mean to listen in, but I was taking care of something for Harrison within earshot.”
It’s my turn to shrug. “Eh, whatever. It’s not like it’s going to be a secret that I’m working more, and people will want to know why. You would’ve found out eventually.”
“That’s true. Gossip spreads pretty quickly around here.” He laughs, pulling something out of his pocket. “This isn’t the only job I have. One of the jobs I do is work as a recruiter for an event. It could help with your money troubles, and I think you’d be a great addition.”
“Oh? What kind of event? Are they looking for bartenders?”
He winces. “Not exactly. Look, I can’t go into too much information as these walls have ears. Take this card, and if you’re interested, I’ll tell you more when we get off, yeah?”
I take the business card from him, finding that it’s embossed—A Night to Remember Auction.
“An auction? What?”
Greg glances over to where Harrison is standing, watching the two of us. “After work?”
Without waiting for a response, he turns and walks away. Not really having another choice, I nod and tuck the card into the waistband of my shorts. I have no idea what this is all about, but I trust Greg. I’ll just wait to see what he has to say after we get off work.
I wave at my boss before getting back to work. It takes me about an hour and a half to finish up, but I don’t mind. I’m not looking forward to the hour-long drive home. I’m starving. Maybe I’ll hit up my favorite diner to get some food before heading home.
Yes, that sounds like a great idea.
“All done?” Harrison asks as I step into the employee locker room. His office is across from it so he can see us as we come and go.
Spinning on my heel, I nod. “Yup. I just have to grab my stuff, and then we can get out of here. Sorry, it took so long.”
He nods as I hurry over to my locker and grab my stuff. When I turn around, he’s leaning in the doorway. “It’s alright. I know Gemma had to hurry home. You still made good time considering you were on your own. Plus, the cleaners just finished up.”
“I’m glad you didn’t have to wait too long then.” I go to move past him, but he doesn’t move. Frowning up at him, I ask. “What’s up, Harrison?”