"It's mine, isn't it," I muttered to myself. "I can't believe this happened." I laid my head in my hands.

There was no way I could handle having another child. Not with a woman I wasn't in a relationship with. It was my fault this happened.

I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs in frustration and anger. It wouldn't help any. I got Kim pregnant and because of my foolish actions, she was in the hospital being killed because of it.

Time slipped by until six o'clock hit, and Maurice walked into the room.

"Thank god she's still all right," he glanced over at me and then back to Kim. "Did they tell you what was going on?"

I shook my head, "They haven't told me anything. All I know is she's been asleep this entire time." A lie, but I couldn't tell him I stole her charts.

He continued to stare at his daughter as he made his way next to her. "They say she's pregnant, but the timing doesn't seem right. It would mean she either got pregnant while we were on vacation or right after," Maurice closed his eyes and shook his head. "She's not that dumb to get pregnant from a one-night stand. She knows to use protection and yet it failed her. I failed her," his voice quivered.

"Maurice," I stood up and put a hand on his shoulder. "You didn't fail her. I'm sure she didn't do this on purpose. The guy probably didn't mean to either."

He sighed and nodded in agreement, "You're right, but if I find out who did this, then I will kill them myself."

"I don't blame you. I'm sure if the guy knew what was going on, he wouldn't expect anything different either," there was no way I would tell my best friend I was the guy now.

"You should head home, Jared," Maurice looked up and smiled at me. "I'll stick around for the evening. I appreciate you being here for the both of us."

"Of course. Any time," I patted his shoulder one last time. "You should go home tonight to sleep. You need the energy for work tomorrow."

I left the two of them and walked out of the hospital. As if expecting me, my driver was already pulling up to the entrance. Likely he was waiting the entire time for me and ran to get the car as I was heading out. The driver was silent, and, as if he knew exactly what to do, made his way to the condo.

The encroaching silence of the apartment made me more uneasy than it should have. Kim was still at the hospital pregnant with my child, and I was at home trying to act as if nothing had happened like I was just some family friend there for emotional support instead of being the cause of the drama. Like my life hadn’t just turned upside down. I roared into the darkness of the room, letting every muscle in my body explode with rage directed at myself.

I blinked away the remnants of energy I had left after my screaming fit. The evening was still young, and I could barely face myself or the day any longer.

There was one last thing I wanted to do before I went to bed. I grabbed my phone and scrolled down to Kim's name.

Want me to pick you up after you're discharged?

I didn't expect a response back. She was likely still sleeping. To my surprise, my phone almost immediately buzzed from her reply.

Sure. I know we need to talk. I’m really sleepy though. Tomorrow afternoon I should be good to leave. My dad said it's ok too.

A rush of relief flooded my body followed by the cold dread of Maurice knowing about us. She might have told him after she woke up, or maybe he figured it out on his own somehow. I waited for a call or text from him, but nothing came. If he knew, he would make sure that I knew about it. My time of secrecy was quickly coming to a close all because I had made the biggest mistake of my life.



Every part of my body hurt. The IV still in my hand hurt. The beeping in my head hurt. The knowledge that I was pregnant and the pregnancy itself hurt. I couldn't pinpoint exactly which part of it was worse at this point.

Dad had left earlier, leaving me alone in the middle of the night with only my thoughts to keep me company, along with the world's smallest TV. If I didn't know any better, I would have thought I needed glasses with how much I struggled to see what exactly was on that TV. At least the sound came out of the remote lying next to me. That was a plus, along with the unlimited juice and jello.

After I woke up, my dad went through the whole eventful day with me. From the moment I was dragged from the restaurant, to being admitted at the hospital, to the positive pregnancy test. It was too much to fully grasp at first, but after he left, I had the chance to truly think things over.

The dates lined up with Carl’s wedding. That was what my dad claimed at least. I hadn't slept with anyone since then and before that, I hadn't ever been with a guy. There was only one answer, and I wasn't sure if I was ready to face it just yet.

My phone dinged from a text. The name on the notification immediately forced me to acknowledge the truth of the matter. I was pregnant and Jared was the father. It was as simple as that. Or complicated, I should say, given who he was.

Want me to pick you up after you're discharged?

I staredat the message for a minute, trying to figure out what to say back to him. He had to know. There was no way he didn't know. But dad hadn’t mentioned Jared at all. Only a nurse in passing had brought up that an older man stopped by while I was asleep. I let out a yawn before replying.

Sure. I know we need to talk. I'm really sleepy though. Tomorrow afternoon I should be good to leave. My dad said it’s ok too.