He didn't knowJared would pick me up and I wasn't going to say anything to him either. This needed to remain a secret. I could figure something out about how I made it out of the hospital without someone coming to get me. Maybe I could use Amanda as a cover if she promised not to say anything.
I closed my eyes and put the phone down on the small table next to me. Exhaustion was overtaking me. Not even the idea of Jared responding could keep me awake. Or the idea of seeing him in person again. The pain was too much to imagine anything romantic or sexual about him.
The nurses, as if sensing my urgency, helped push me out of the hospital in my clothes from the day before, along with a bag of random necessities to help me get through the day and prevent myself from getting sick again. I wasn't exactly my most glamorous self, but I was feeling far better than yesterday, and the wheelchair helped me save some energy until I had to finally get up, and walk the few steps to the front.
Jared pulled up a few minutes later in a dark blue Jaguar. He rolled down the passenger window and smiled at me. "Glad to see you're feeling better."
The nurses gawked at Jared, then back at me before helping me get up. I hobbled slightly and took a few tentative steps toward the car. I was still a little dizzy, but not nearly as bad as yesterday. I could handle a few more steps if I needed to. I reached the car door and slumped inside. One of the nurses helped to make sure I was sitting comfortably while also checking out the interior of the car before joining her coworker, to take the wheelchair back inside.
"Now I'm never going to have the chance to ask them to lower my hospital bill," I said sarcastically.
"Lower it? What are you talking about? Is it that--"
I interrupted him before he could assume anything, "A couple of thousand dollars most likely." He had enough money to pay for any hospital visit and his private doctor without ever worrying about it. I almost wondered if he even had insurance or if he paid everything out of pocket.
He nodded, "I see. Well, if it's that much, I can cover it. It's the least I can do."
"Absolutely not! What if my dad finds out? Do you think he will believe you're doing it out of kindness?"
He shrugged but didn't say anything. I wondered if he genuinely wanted to tell people at this point. I still wasn't sure ifIwanted to say anything. Being with him at the resort had been a wonderful experience, and even now I still wanted to be with him. But we were in completely different worlds. I wasn't sure if we were really all that compatible. Not to mention he was my dad's best friend and explaining that to my dad or my brother seemed like an impossible feat.
"I know I'm driving you home, but I don't exactly know where home is. So I can take you back to my place if you--"
"Turn left here!" I pointed to the intersection. I wasn't going to give him room to invite me to his house.
"Oh. Alright," he turned left and continued to follow my directions until he pulled into a parking garage across the street from my house. "Let me at least help you up to your apartment."
I bit my lower lip. I wanted to say no, but I knew better. I'd collapse before I made it to the street and get run over almost instantly. I couldn't refuse him either, not after how eager I was to see him earlier.
"Fine, but that's it."
"Not even dinner?"
I closed my eyes and tried to ignore my stomach instantly growling at the thought of food.
"We can order delivery. Nothing fancy. I don't think my body can handle that right now."
"So, pizza?"
I glanced over at him. The concern on his face was evident. There wasn't a way to tell him no. He would just continue to push until he got his way.
"I can do pizza."
I held onto his arm the entire way. The muscles under his shirt tensed as we neared the street. I leaned on him to keep myself steady. All the stress I had had earlier in the car was gone as my mind took comfort in knowing he was there to keep me safe.
We made our way inside the apartment building and into the elevator. No one else joined us as I hit the button for the fifth floor. We stood there quietly, an awkward silence between us.
"Your perfume," Jared said suddenly.
"It smells nice."
I sniffed my shirt. There was a faint scent of my perfume from the day before. I barely noticed it, but I made a mental note to use it again the next time I met with Jared.
The elevator stopped on my floor and I led him toward my apartment door. My heart raced as I unlocked it. I couldn't remember the last time I had someone stop by my apartment, let alone a guy I liked. I leaned my forehead against the door and sucked in a deep breath. I needed to pull myself together. He wasn't here for any fun things. It was just to make sure I got home safe, eat some pizza, and talk about the pregnancy.
Jared put his hand on mine and twisted the key to unlock the door all the way. "Let's get you inside."