A shiver ran through her body at that thought. It turned her on. Was that wrong? Should she be feeling this way about that? If it was right or wrong, she needed to stay away from him. She didn't need to feel this way towards him. She was trying to stay away from him.

"Great," he said. "Do you need anything before we leave?"

"Janie!" Echo yelled.

Her head turned towards her direction and Janie's eyes went wide.


"You almost forgot Josie!" Echo yelled.

Janie ran over towards Echo and grabbed Josie.

"Thank you," she whispered. "I don't know what I would have done if I got home and didn't have her."

"Welcome. Go home and get some rest," Echo replied.

Janie walked back over towards Mac and nodded her head.

"I'm good to go now," she whispered as she clutched her pink bear to her chest.

"And who is this?" he asked.

"Josie," she whispered.

"Such a pretty name for a pretty stuffed bear."

Mac placed his hand on the small of her back and guided her towards the front door.

"I got your belongings from the front desk," Mac said.

"Thank you."

Mac helped her into the car and buckled her in.

"I'll need to get you a booster seat," he mumbled.

"No you don't," she said. "You aren't going to be taking me any more. Don't waste your money."

"We’ll see about that.” He stared at her and gave her a smile. Janie didn't say anything to him. She waited for him to get into the car and start it up. It didn't take them long to get back to her house.

"Wait," he said as her hand was on the door handle. She sighed but waited for him to come around to help her out. She remembered what he had said the last time.

"Good girl," he whispered as he helped her out of the car. Butterflies went through her stomach. That was the first time he had called her a good girl and she was loving it.

"I'll see you later," he said as he kissed her forehead.

"Bye." she replied. Janie opened the door and closed it, leaning up against the door. Sighing, she closed her eyes for a second to calm herself down.

"Lock the door," Mac said. She jumped in the air and turned around and glared at the door. Of course, Mac couldn't see her.

"Lock the door," he said again. Janie quickly locked the door.

"Good girl," he said. "Goodnight, Pinky. Don't let the bed bugs bite."