"Thank you so much for watching her," Janie said.

Joann, her sister, took Eleanor once or twice a month to hang out with her children. It was a time that Janie could do the things she needed to without having to get a babysitter. It also gave her a couple hours to herself.

It was nice but Janie always missed her daughter by the end of the day. It was a struggle. She wanted a couple hours to herself, but at the same time she didn't.

"No need to thank me," Joann said. "Brax and Mila are super excited to have her over."

Her kids were three and two years old. They were precious and every once in a while she would look after them, but it was rare. She was a single mom and worked. Whereas her sister was married and was a stay at home mom.

"Well, I'm saying thank you anyway," she said. "What do you have planned today for them?"

"Always worrying about her. I've got two kids. I know how to keep them safe and entertained," her sister said.

Janie let out a sigh. "Sorry. It's a habit."

Joann waved her hand in the air. "I was just teasing. I do the same thing when my husband takes the kids somewhere."

She nodded her head and hoped that she wouldn't have to ask the question again. She hated bugging her sister, but she wanted to know where Eleanor was going to be. What if something happened? What if she needed to get Eleanor?

"We're going to an interactive museum," Joann said. "I have to warn you that once we're in there, I won't be able to take them out."

"What kind of place doesn't let you take them out?" She asked. "Should I be worried?"

Janie didn't like the sound of that place.

"Until they are done with the interactive tour. It'll be an hour tops before I take them back to my house to eat and hang out," Joann said. "You don't need to worry about anything. They just don't want people to leave in the middle. I honestly don't know the reason behind it, but I sighed a box saying I understood."

Janie didn't know if she liked the sound of that.

"Are you sure it's okay?" Janie asked. "Maybe Eleanor should stay home."

"Calm down," Joann said. "My kids have been through it before and they absolutely loved it. I thought Eleanor would like to go. it's perfectly safe."

Unease still filled Janie. What place didn't let people leave until they were done with the whole tour?

"Today is your day off to get things done," Joann said. "I'm taking Eleanor and you're having this day. I'll drop her off later."

"Are you sure?" Janie asked. "I'm sorry, I just, are you sure?"

Joann wrapped her arms around Janie. "It's okay. I'm sure that everything is going to be okay. If anything happens you're my first call."

"Okay," she whispered. "Thank you."

"Enjoy your day," Joann said as she winked at her.

Janie looked at her with confusion. Her sister never winked at her before when she left. Did she know something was goingto happen that she didn't? She wouldn't put it past her sister to do something like that.

"Say bye-bye to your mom," Joann said.

Eleanor waved her hand and Joann closed the door. Janie took a deep breath as she got in the car and pulled out of the driveway. No matter how many times she did this, it never got easier.

Janie headed back into her house and let out a breath. She had finished editing a manuscript earlier than she thought she would. Normally, she would go celebrate but she didn't feel like it. She still had another manuscript she needed to start in the next couple of days.

But Janie needed to go out and buy a couple of things. She needed pads and tampons for one. She was almost out, a girl never wanted to be out of those two things. She also needed to get some pain killers and candy. Janie wanted to be fully prepared when the time came.

Would the candy be gone before her period started? Sure, but that meant she could get more if she needed to. And she wanted to. There was no limit on how much candy she could have.

Janie grabbed her purse and keys. She really wanted to be lazy and not leave, but this needed to be done. Walking out of the door, she took a deep breath in and headed towards her car.