“Now, why didn’t you come to me when your ex-husband started to call you names?” he asked.

“I felt guilty in some way. I was worried that showing you those text messages would make you leave,” she said. “I had honestly thought about showing them to you so you would leave but I wasn’t ready.”

Mac cupped her face with his hands. “Nothing is going to make me leave. I promise you that. I'm going to be there foryou and Eleanor no matter what. I want you to come to me for everything, no matter how little it is.”

Janie had always wanted that. someone to come to for every little thing was she finally going to get that?

“We’re going to go to the police station and get an order of protection against Donald. We have the evidence from your text messages to show them so we shouldn't have any problem.”

“I don't know,” she whispered.

“How about we talk to Jaxson about this and get his opinion. He is a retired police officer,” he said. “How does that sound?”

She nodded her head. That sounded better. She trusted Jaxson. “Okay.”

“I'm going to have to call him. He is currently at home,” Mac said and she nodded her head. She watched as he carefully pulled his phone out of his pocket and called Jaxson.

“Hello?” Jaxson picked up the phone. “What can I help you with?”

“ I have Janie here and we have a question,” Mac said.

“Give me one second.”

Janie could hear Jaxson moving around. What was he doing?

“All right, I'm in my office now. What did you guys want to talk about?” Jaxson asked.

Mac looked over at her and gave her an encouraging smile. Was he expecting her to ask Jaxson about it? She didn't even know where to begin.

“He’s going to need to hear from you at some point,” Mac said. She nodded her head. “Janie has been receiving some nasty texts from her ex-husband. He’s also been threatening her and Eleanor, her daughter.”

“He doesn't have any parental rights to Eleanor,” Janie whispered.

“So, what's the question?” Jaxson asked.

“Janie didn't know if it was wise for her to get an order of protection against him or if she should just leave it alone,” Mac said.

“How long has this been going on for? Has she told him to stop?”

“Several weeks,” she whispered. “I've begged him to stop several times.”

“And he hasn't listened. I would definitely go down to the police station, show them the evidence and get an order of protection. Then, if he continues to talk to you or sees either one of you in person, you call the police.”

“Is there someone we should talk to when we get there?” Mac asked.

“Just ask for someone who has been there for a couple of years. Nothing against the new guys, but I don’t know them. Better yet, tell them I sent you and you’ll get someone who worked with me,” Jaxson said.

“Thank you,” Janie whispered.

“Welcome. So, are you two together now?”

Mac looked down at Janie, almost like he was waiting to see what she would say. “Yes, we are,” she said.



Mac, Eleanor, and Janie walked out of the police station. She had just filed for an order of protection. Thankfully nobody knew her or her husband. It made it easier to talk about what had happened. But it didn't make her feel any less guilty. She didn't know why she was feeling guilty about it.